You can bulk import by using the user interface, or with a program.
Content Services web scripts are used for bulk importing. If you choose to code the bulk import, code examples are provided to help you. In both cases, you can use the reference table to determine the fields and data that are required for a successful import.
If you need to troubleshoot or diagnose any issues with a bulk import, you can enable logging. To enable debugging for the Bulk Import tool, add the following command to the file before deployment: logger.alfresco-repo-bulkimport.level=debug
Set the debug statements to at least INFO level: logger.alfresco-repo-batch-BatchProcessor.level=info
You can also enable logging for the transaction handler to identify any transactional issues during the import: logger.alfresco-repo-transaction-RetryingTransactionHelper.level=info
For more information about log4j, see File.