Use this tool to see live and historical detail on your system performance.
You can see details of memory usage, CPU usage, and the number of threads running. For each of these you can select the chart timescale.
Memory Usage
Displays the memory usage for the timescale you select.
- Max (MB) - the maximum memory available
- Committed (MB) - the memory reserved for Content Services
- Used (MB) - what your system is currently using
CPU Usage
Displays the current CPU usage and the historical usage for the timescale you select.
Displays the number of threads currently running and the peak thread count (the historical maximum number of threads that has been reached since the last system start or restart) Select the timescale that you want to see.
Note: The data in the graphs is refreshed every two seconds using a
lightweight webscript that runs a JMX bean operation. This has negligible impact on