Configure CachingContentStore - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

You can configure the CachingContentStore class.

To demonstrate step-by-step configuration of the CachingContentStore class, the spring context file, caching-content-store-context.xml.sample is used as a starting point for adding caching to a content store. Once configured, you can activate the sample file by removing the .sample file extension and placing it in your installation extension directory at <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension.

  1. Define an instance of the CachingContentStore class. This is the top level bean that ties together the CCS as a whole.
       <property name="backingStore" ref="backingStore"/>
       <property name="cache" ref="contentCache"/>
       <property name="cacheOnInbound" value="${system.content.caching.cacheOnInbound}"/>
       <property name="quota" ref="standardQuotaManager"/>

    In this case, the fileContentStore bean is overridden. The ContentService bean uses fileContentStore bean, so CCS is used automatically. You can also specify a different name and an overridden contentService bean. The main collaborators of backingStore, cache and quota refer to the beans for Backing Store, Content Cache and Quota Manager as shown in the diagram in the CachingContentStore class overview topic. Each CachingContentStore class should have its own dedicated instances of these collaborators and they should not be shared across other CachingContentStore beans, should you have any defined.

  2. Define a backing store. This CCS uses this ContentStore to provide caching for TenantRoutingS3ContentStore.
       <property name="defaultRootDir" value="${dir.contentstore}" />
       <property name="s3AccessKey" value="${s3.accessKey}" />
       <property name="s3SecretKey" value="${s3.secretKey}" />
       <property name="s3BucketName" value="${s3.bucketName}" />
       <property name="s3BucketLocation" value="${s3.bucketLocation}" />
       <property name="s3FlatRoot" value="${s3.flatRoot}" />
       <property name="globalProperties">
         <ref bean="global-properties" />
    Note: Remember to change this bean’s ID to backingStore for use with the preceding XML snippet, or change the ref attribute in the fileContentStore bean definition to refer to the correct ID (tenantRoutingContentStore).
  3. Define a ContentCache. This object is responsible for placing content into (and retrieving content from) the cache.
       <property name="memoryStore" ref="cachingContentStoreCache"/>
       <property name="cacheRoot" value="${dir.cachedcontent}"/>

    The ContentCacheImpl uses a fast lookup table for determining whether an item is currently cached by the CCS, for controlling the maximum number of items in the cache and their Time To Live (TTL). The lookup table is specified here by the memoryStore property. The ContentCacheImpl also uses a directory on the local filesystem for storing binary content data (the actual content being cached). This directory is specified by the cacheRoot property. The following code illustrates the bean referencing the specified memoryStore reference:

     <bean id="cachingContentStoreCache" factory-bean="cacheFactory" factory-method="createCache">
       <constructor-arg value="cache.cachingContentStoreCache"/>
  4. Now that you’ve configured the key components of the CachingContentStore class, backing store (ContentStore) and ContentCache, you can optionally specify a quota manager. If you do not wish to specify the quota manager, then the UnlimitedQuotaStrategy will be used. The example CCS bean expects this bean to be defined:
         <property name="maxUsageMB" value="${system.content.caching.maxUsageMB}"/>
         <property name="maxFileSizeMB" value="${system.content.caching.maxFileSizeMB}"/>
         <property name="cache" ref="contentCache"/>
         <property name="cleaner" ref="cachedContentCleaner"/>
  5. Finally, to ensure that the disk space is used in a controlled manner, a CachedContentCleaner should be configured to clean up cached content files that are no longer being used by the cache.
        <property name="jobClass">
        <property name="jobDataAsMap">
                <entry key="cachedContentCleaner">
                    <ref bean="cachedContentCleaner" />
     <bean id="cachedContentCleaner"
        <property name="minFileAgeMillis" value="${system.content.caching.minFileAgeMillis}"/>
        <property name="maxDeleteWatchCount" value="${system.content.caching.maxDeleteWatchCount}"/>
        <property name="cache" ref="contentCache"/>
        <property name="usageTracker" ref="standardQuotaManager"/>
     <bean id="cachingContentStoreCleanerTrigger" class="org.alfresco.util.CronTriggerBean">
        <property name="jobDetail">
            <ref bean="cachingContentStoreCleanerJobDetail" />
        <property name="scheduler">
            <ref bean="schedulerFactory" />
        <property name="cronExpression">