Alfresco:Name=WorkflowInformation (editable) - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Object Type =

Exposes information about the workflow management interface for Activiti definitions and tasks. The attributes for Alfresco:Name=WorkflowInformation are shown in this table.

Attribute name Example value
ActivitiEngineEnabled true
ActivitiWorkflowDefinitionsVisible true
NumberOfActivitiTaskInstances 0
NumberOfActivitiWorkflowDefinitionsDeployed 9
NumberOfActivitiWorkflowInstances 0
Note: The ActivitiEngineEnabled attribute is enabled by default. It is recommended that you do not change (or disable) this property via the JMX client.

See the Repo Admin Console Repository Services - Process Engines for information about these editable attributes: http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-processengines.


This component contains a dynamic list of instances of the LoggerConfigAdminMBean class provided with log4j that allows adjustments to be made to the level of detail included in the logs from an individual logger. Note that the LogContextName value is not fixed.

Not all attributes for LoggerConfigAdminMBean are editable; only those that are editable are shown in this table.

Attribute name Example value
Level WARN
Additive true

Level is a special attribute that specifies the minimum log4j logging level of messages from this logger to include in the logs. For example, a value of ERROR would mean that messages logged at lower levels such as WARN and INFO would not be included.

You can change the level of any logger by selecting the required MBean and editing Attributes > Level. The new value does not prevail after a shutdown. For a list of possible priority values, see Log4j levels.