Alfresco:Name=CacheStatistics - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Object Type =

Exposes statistics for the caches that are available. Cache name follows the pattern org.alfresco.*TransactionalCache. The following attributes are available for each cache:

Attribute name Description
ClearTime The mean time, in nanoseconds, for the cache to complete clearing (that is, to empty or drop the entire cache contents). For example, NaN.
Clears The number of times that the cache has been cleared (that is, emptied, or dropped).
Gets The number of times that the cache has had a value requested from it. This includes cache hits, where the cache contains a value, but omits where the cache reports that there is no value corresponding to a particular key.
HitMissRatio The hit ratio for the given cache. A value of 1.0 is the maximum indicating that every request has been honored (that is, all GET requests are hits). A value of 0.0 represents a cache that has never successfully returned a previously cached value (that is, all GET requests are misses). Expected value: numeric with decimals
HitTime The mean time, in nanoseconds, for GET operations to complete, where a value has been found in the cache. Expected value: numeric with decimals.
Hits The number of times that a GET request is successful.
MissTime The mean time, in nanoseconds, for GET requests, where a result is not returned (a miss). Expected value: numeric with decimals.
Misses The number of times that a GET request is not successful.
PutTime The mean time, in nanoseconds, for inserting a value into the cache. Expected value: numeric with decimals.
Puts The number of times a value is inserted into the cache (a PUT operation).
RemoveTime The mean time, in nanoseconds, for removing a value from cache. For example, NaN.
Removes The number of removal operations applied to the cache, where a value is successfully removed from the cache.
Attribute name Example value
AveragePullRequestTime 0
AveragePushRequestTime 0
CurrentPullRequests 0
CurrentPushRequests 0
PullRequestFailureCount 0
PullRequestSuccessCount 0
PushRequestFailureCount 0
PushRequestSuccessCount 0
TotalPullRequestCount 0
TotalPushRequestCount 0