Alfresco:Name=ConnectionPool - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Object Type = org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource

Allows monitoring of the Apache Commons DBCP database connection pool and its configuration.

Attribute Description
DefaultTransactionIsolation The JDBC code number for the transaction isolation level, corresponding to those in the java.sql.Connection class. The special value of -1 indicates that the database’s default transaction isolation level is in use and this is the most common setting. For the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver, the special value of 4096 indicates snapshot isolation.
DriverClassName The fully-qualified name of the JDBC driver class, for example org.postgresql.Driver.
InitialSize The number of connections opened when the pool is initialized, for example 10.
MaxActive The maximum number of connections in the pool, for example 40.
MaxIdle The maximum number of connections that are not in use kept open, for example -1.
MaxWait The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception (when connections are unavailable) or -1 to wait indefinitely.
MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis The minimum number of milliseconds that a connection can sit idle before it is eligible for eviction, for example 1800000.
MinIdle The minimum number of connections in the pool, for example 0.
NumActive The number connections in use (useful monitoring metric), for example 2.
NumIdle The number of connections that are not in use (another useful monitoring metric), for example 8.
RemoveAbandoned A boolean that when true indicates that a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the RemoveAbandonedTimeout, for example false.
RemoveAbandonedTimeout The time in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed, for example 300.
TestOnBorrow A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated before being borrowed from the pool, for example false.
TestOnReturn A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated before being returned to the pool, for example false.
TestWhileIdle A boolean that when true indicates that connections will be validated while they’re idle, for example false.
TimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis The number of milliseconds to sleep between eviction runs, when greater than zero, for example -1.
Url The JDBC URL to the database connection, for example jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/alfresco.
Username The name used to authenticate with the database, for example alfresco.
ValidationQuery The SQL query that will be used to validate connections before returning them, for example <null>.