DataExtractors are declared for use in the <Application> sections of the configuration files. A DataExtractor is a component that uses input data to produce some output, either transforming the data or outputting the data verbatim. The simplest extractor is the SimpleValueDataExtractor, which returns whatever data is passed in. A more complex extractor is the NodeNameDataExtractor, which is able to produce the cm:name value of a node, assuming the data passed in is a NodeRef. For the complete set of built-in generators, see the org.alfresco.repo.audit.extractor package, or the auditModel.extractor.* beans, which are declared in audit-services-context.xml.
The extractors can be declared in-line, for example:
<DataExtractors> <DataExtractor name="simpleValue" class="org.alfresco.repo.audit.extractor.SimpleValueDataExtractor"/> ... </DataExtractors>
Or they can be declared in Spring configuration and referenced in the audit configuration (see the audit-services-context.xml file), for example:
<DataExtractors> <DataExtractor name="simpleValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.simpleValue"/> ... </DataExtractors>