Path Mappings - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

This section defines the Path Mappings. Path Mappings map events into applications. The source event is linked to the audit application key specified in the target attribute. In effect the format for target is <application_key/audit_path_key>. So, taking the first path mapping, /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate events are mapped to the login audit path key of the auditexamplelogin1 application (the applications are specified next in the file and you’ll need to examine these in order to understand path mappings). If you look at the definition of AuditExampleLogin1 you’ll see it has the audit path key “login” (<AuditPath key="login">).

Now, the source event /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate may have “sub events” such as error and no-error, for example: /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/error. What this means is that for the application AuditExampleLogin1 it’ll record the username for both successful and unsuccessful logins. Notice however, that the path mapping for AuditExample2 is different. The source is /alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/no-error, so only this event will be mapped into the application, specifically to the audit path with the key “login”. The effect of this is that only successful logins will be recorded.

    <PathMap source="/alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate" target="/auditexamplelogin1/login"/>
    <PathMap source="/alfresco-api/post/AuthenticationService/authenticate/no-error" target="/auditexamplelogin2/login"/>