Audit Component - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Receives data sent by the data producers. Data producers call the AuditComponent.recordAuditValues() method, passing in data. There are two main pieces of information passed in:

  • Root path - a base path. This can be combined with the keys of the map (the other input) to create a full identifying path for the audit data.
  • A map (keys and values) - the map passed in by the data producer. The map keys are paths (relative to the root path) and their values are the audit data. Note that if a value in the map has been rejected by an audit filter, then the whole map will be rejected.

    So, for an example root path of /alfresco-access/transaction, the map might be:

    Key Value
    action MOVE
    node workspace://SpacesStore/90a398d1-8e0d-462a-8c3b-f0b17a2d1143
    move/from/node workspace://SpacesStore/a82446e9-4dca-49d2-9ce0-4526687fb310
    move/from/path /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:fred/cm:documentLibrary/cm:folder1
    move/from/type cm:folder
    move/to/node workspace://SpacesStore/517bd4d0-99bc-47ad-8cd7-5d425f94c7db
    move/to/path /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:fred/cm:documentLibrary
    move/to/type cm:folder
    path /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:fred/cm:documentLibrary/cm:Word 123.docx
    sub-actions moveNode readContent
    type cm:content
    user admin

The AuditComponent.recordAuditValues() method creates an audit entry. The returned audit entry is a map with the key representing the full path to the value that represents the corresponding audit data.

To see an example of the map returned by recordAuditValues() consider the following example. Given the root path and map shown:

Root path:
   args/protocol = "workspace"
   args/identifier = "SpacesStore"
   result = StoreRef[workspace://SpacesStore]

The method would return a map as follows:

   /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/args/protocol = "workspace"
   /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/args/identifier = "SpacesStore"
   /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/createStore/result = StoreRef[workspace://SpacesStore]