The following pipelines will have to be configured:
- htmlToPdfViaTXT – pipeline that will deal with HTML to PDF transformation through plain text. It still uses LibreOffice but for TEXT to PDF transformation, not for HTML to PDF.
- htmlToImageViaTXT - pipeline to transform HTML to image that will use the out-of-the-box textToImageViaPdf pipeline
{ "transformers": [ { "transformerName": "htmlToPdfViaTXT", "transformerPipeline": [ { "transformerName": "string", "targetMediaType": "text/plain" }, { "transformerName": "libreoffice" } ], "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [ { "sourceMediaType": "text/html", "priority": 10, "targetMediaType": "application/pdf" } ], "transformOptions": [ ] }, { "transformerName": "htmlToImageViaTXT", "transformerPipeline": [ { "transformerName": "string", "targetMediaType": "text/plain" }, { "transformerName": "textToImageViaPdf" } ], "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [ { "sourceMediaType": "text/html", "priority": 10, "targetMediaType": "image/png" } ], "transformOptions": [ "pdfRendererOptions", "imageMagickOptions" ] } ] }
Store this transform configuration in a file called 0200-html-via-txt.json.