Configuration - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Use the following information to configure Query Accelerator. The query set configurations define the denormalized tables that will be created to support faster queries.

Attribute Description
version The version of the query set.
name The table name. The actual database table name will have a prefix of ‘alf_qs_’ and a suffix of ‘_v’ plus the version. So for a query set called of ‘test1’ and a version of 1 that actual database table name would be ‘alf_qs_test1_v1’.
properties A collection of properties to appear on the denormalized table. A property consists of a name attribute which is the name of a property and an isIndex attribute which indicates that the related column on the table should be indexed.
aspects A collection of aspects to appear on the denormalized table. The table will have a boolean column for each of the aspects to indicate if the node has those aspects applied. An aspect consists of a name attribute which is the name of an aspect and an isIndex attribute which indicates that the related column on the table should be indexed.
compositeIndexes A collection of composite indexes to be created for the table. A composite index consists of an attribute where the attribute name is the index name and the attribute value is a collection of names of properties and/or aspects of the query set.
  • The maximum length of the query set name and the version is the maximum table name length of the database system being used, minus 9. So for Postgres, which has a maximum table name length of 63 bytes, the maximum name and version length in the query set is 54 bytes.
  • Queries that include negations on aspects should not be accelerated.
  • Properties of type MLTEXT are NOT supported. If included a WARN message will be logged, the properties will be ignored, and the corresponding denormalized table will be created without them.
  • The denormalized table will have an alf_type column, holding the name of the content type.
  • When aspects are used, the denormalized table will contain only the nodes that have at least one of the aspect. It is for this reason that a query checking for the absence of an aspect will not use the query accelerator and will be performed by the standard engine.
  • Auditable properties (namely: cm:creator, cm:created, cm:modifier, cm:modified and cm:accessed) defined in the configuration will be ignored. Data of this nature is always available and there is no need to store it on the corresponding denormalised table.
  • Properties of the following types defined in the configuration will be ignored. If included a WARN message will be logged, as the properties are already included in the denormalized table:
    • cm:owner
    • cm:noderef
    • sys:node-dbid
    • sys:node-uuid
  • When files are read from the queryAccelerator.config.dir directory they are read in alphanumeric order. So 0101-coyote.json would be read before 0102-coyote.json and it is read before 0201-acme.json.