Updating a query set - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

You can update/replace a query set by changing the properties, aspects and compositeIndexes in the query set JSON config.

You then need to update the version in the query set JSON config and then perform a query set refresh in the Admin Console.

This will start a process that will replace the previous version of the query set.

  • A new version of the query set will be added to the internal query set registry.
  • A new version of the denormalized table will be created.
  • The denormalized table for the previous version will continue in-use until it has been replaced by the new version.
  • The new version of the denormalized table will be populated. This could take a considerable time depending on the scale of the Alfresco installation.
  • When the population is completed
    • the query set will be flagged as live
    • the previous version of the query set will be flagged as retired
    • the denormalized table for the previous version can now be dropped manually via the Remove Query Set button in the Admin Console
Note: If you edit a query set config and change the name and request a query set refresh, the system will see this as the retirement of the original query set and the creation of a new one.