The following example requires that at least one node in the system has the DublinCore aspect applied. This aspect is part of the system by default. If there are no nodes, an unknown property error is reported.
{ "version": 6, "name": "ac", "properties": [ { "name": "cm:name", "isIndex": true }, { "name": "cm:publisher", "isIndex": true } ], "aspects": [ { "name": "cm:titled", "isIndex": true }, { "name": "cm:dublincore", "isIndex": true } ], "compositeIndexes": { "index_1": ["cm:name", "cm:publisher"], "index_2": ["cm:name", "cm:titled"] } }
ACS node properties and aspects:
Table entry:
node_id | owner_id | alf_type | cm_name | cm_publisher | cm_titled | cm_dublincore |
918 | 3 | 24 | demo2 | Egmont | true | true |