Here we give an example of how to create a query set to replace a TMDQ.
The following TMDQ selects all documents (cm:content) which have a dublincore aspect (cm:dublincore), a publisher (cm:publisher) equal to ‘Hachette Livre’ and a type (cm:type) equal to ‘Action’.
{ "query":{ "query":"select * from cmis:document as d join cm:dublincore as dc on d.cmis:objectId = dc.cmis:objectId where = 'Hachette Livre' and'Action'", "language":"cmis" } }
The following Query Set would be able to support the above TMDQ. It also requires that at least one node in the system has the DublinCore aspect applied.
{ "version": "1", "name": "doc_dublincore", "properties": [ { "name": "cm:publisher", "isIndex": true }, { "name": "cm:type", "isIndex": true } ], "aspects": [ { "name": "cm:dublincore", "isIndex": true } ] }