Set log levels - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The file lets you configure logging levels to provide debugging information when troubleshooting. You can set the log level dynamically using the JMX client.

When using log4j, you should:

  • Keep local customizations and licenses outside of the web application. For example, in the extension directory:

  • The supplied configuration files should be stored or installed within the web application. For example:

Note: A file should not be packaged as a part of any product.

Logging uses the Log4J LoggerContextAdminMBean.

Note: Log levels are not cluster-aware. If needed, the log level change will need to be applied to each machine. Some consoles (for example, JManage) can provide basic facilities for accessing each machine in an application cluster.
  • The Loggers component of the LoggerContextAdminMBean is a dynamic list of loggers with the level attribute, which can be changed to OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG or TRACE (editable).

  • addLoggerMBean will be impacted if it has been loaded.

    The following steps provide instructions on adding loggers using JConsole:

  1. Click Alfresco > Log4jManagement > Operations > addLoggerMBean.

  2. Type the full className in Name on the right hand pane.

  3. Click addLoggerMBean.

    A dialog box is displayed specifying that the method is successfully invoked.