You deploy your workflow task model using the Spring “Workflow Deployer” bean. The bean can be used in conjunction with Content Services configuration extension mechanism to deploy custom made workflows and models.
In the following example configuration we are deploying a process definition adHocModel.bpmn2.0.xml) and a workflow content model adHocModel.bpmn2.0.xml. In both properties, the “location” is the classpath location of the XML file.
<beanid="myworkflows.workflowBootstrap"parent="workflowDeployer"> <property name="models"> <list> <-- Task Model associated with above process definition --> <value>alfresco/workflow/adhocModel.xml</value> </list> </property> <property name="workflowDefinitions"> <props> <prop key="engineId">activiti</prop> <prop key="location">alfresco/extension/adHocModel.bpmn2.0.xml</prop> <prop key="mimetype">text/xml</prop> <prop key="redeploy">false</prop> </props> </property> </bean>