Workflow Console - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Use the Workflow Console in the Repo Admin Console to manage Activiti workflows, including testing of newly developed workflows. You can also debug current in-flight workflows.

  1. Open the Repo Admin Console.
  2. In the Consoles section, click Workflow Console.
    The Workflow Console page appears.
  3. Perform the following commands for managing workflows:
    1. Type show file <definitionClassPath> to output the file contents.
      <definitionClassPath> is the path to the workflow definition file.
    2. Type deploy <workflowEngine> <definitionClassPath> to deploy workflow definitions.
      <workflowEngine> is the workflow engine name (e.g., Activiti).
    3. Type redeploy to redeploy the last workflow definition.
    4. Type show definitions [all] to list deployed workflow definitions.
    5. Type use definition [<workflowDefId>] to use a specific workflow definition.
      Omitting <workflowDefId> shows the current selection.
    6. Type undeploy definition <workflowDefId> to undeploy the latest version.
      Terminates all in-flight workflows associated with the definition.
    7. Type undeploy definition name <workflowName> to undeploy all versions.
      Terminates associated in-flight workflows.
  4. Perform the following commands for managing variables:
    Variables are defined automatically at console start and can be modified or deleted.
    1. Type var <varName>[*]=<varValue> to define or update a variable.
      • <varName>: variable name
      • [*]: collection (if specified)
      • <varValue>: variable value
      var bpm:assignee*=admin,fred var wf:notifyMe=true
    2. Type var <varName>[*] person <varValue> for a cm:person node ref variable.
      var bpm:assignee* person admin,fred
    3. Type var <varName>[*] group <varValue> for a usr:authorityContainer node ref variable.
      var bpm:groupAssignee group GROUP_Engineering
    4. Type var <varName> package <itemCount> for a bpm:workflowPackage node ref variable.
      var bpm:package package 4
    5. Type var <varName>= to delete an existing variable.
  5. Perform the following commands for managing workflows:
    1. Type start [<varName[=varValue>]]* to start a new workflow.
      start bpm:assignee=david wf:predefined
    2. Type show workflows [all] to display active workflows.
    3. Type use workflow <workflowId> to select a workflow.
    4. Type desc workflow <workflowId> to describe a workflow.
    5. Type show paths [<workflowId>] to display workflow paths.
    6. Type desc path <pathId> to describe a path.
    7. Type show transitions [<workflowId>] to display transitions.
    8. Type signal <pathId> [<transitionName>] to signal a transition.
    9. Type event <pathId> <eventtype> to fire a custom event.
    10. Type end workflow <workflowId> to end a workflow.
    11. Type delete workflow <workflowId> to delete a workflow.
    12. Type delete all workflows to delete all in-flight workflows.
  6. Perform the following commands for managing workflow timers:
    1. Type show timers [all] to display active timers.
  7. Perform the following commands for managing tasks:
    1. Type show my tasks to list assigned tasks.
    2. Type show my completed to list completed tasks.
    3. Type show my pooled to list tasks in a pool.
    4. Type show tasks [<pathId>] to list tasks associated with a workflow.
    5. Type desc task <taskId> to describe a task.
    6. Type update task <taskId> [<varName[=varValue>]]* to update a task state.
    7. Type end task <taskId> [<transitionName>] to end a task.
    8. Type query task [predicate]* to query tasks.