Configure Activities Feed - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Activities Feed emails are sent from Content Services to all users, summarizing the activities they see in their My Activities dashlet. Users will not see these email unless the Activities Feed is enabled. Emails include activities in all sites they are a member of, and by people they are following. In the Admin Console, you can set the frequency with which these emails are sent, the maximum number of activities they contain, and the maximum age of the activities.

  1. Open the Admin Console.
  2. In the Repository Services section, click Activities Feed to open the Activities Feed page.
  3. Set the activities properties:
    Property Description
    Activity Feed Enabled This enables or disables activity notifications to users using email, for example Yes.
    Frequency CRON Expression This specifies a CRON expression which defines the frequency with which users will receive Activities Feed emails. Emails are only sent if there are new activities since the last email. By default, this is every 24 hours at midnight, for example 0 0 0 * * ?.
    Maximum Number The maximum number of activities that are reported on in the Activities dashlets and Activities Feed emails, for example 200.
    Maximum Age (mins) This is the maximum age of the activities shown in the Activities Feed emails. Activities that are older than the maximum age are not shown in the Activities dashlet. The default setting is 44640 (a 31-day month).
  4. Click Save.