Installing the Alfresco theme via Helm requires different steps. The following instructions assume that the codecentric keycloakx Helm charts are used.
Edit your values.yaml file to include a section similar to the following, making sure that the correct THEME_VERSION is set:
keycloakx: # [...] extraVolumes: | - name: theme emptyDir: {} extraVolumeMounts: | - name: theme mountPath: "/opt/keycloak/themes/alfresco" readOnly: true extraInitContainers: | - name: theme-provider image: busybox:1.36 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent command: - sh args: - -c - | THEME_VERSION=0.3.5 wget${THEME_VERSION}/alfresco-keycloak-theme-${THEME_VERSION}.zip -O / unzip mv alfresco/* /theme/ volumeMounts: - name: theme mountPath: /theme
For further instructions on how to provide additional custom themes, see the official keycloakx Helm charts documentation.