Legacy script summary - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Here is a full list of parameters that allow you to customize your certificates. These parameters will override the default values listed in the run.sh and run.cmd scripts.

Parameter Value Description
alfrescoversion enterprise/community Sets the type of Alfresco environment. The default value is enterprise.
keysize 1024/2048/4096 Specifies the RSA key length. The default value is 1024.
keystoretype PKCS12/JKS/JCEKS Sets the type of the keystores (containing private keys). The default value is JCEKS.
keystorepass Any string Specifies the password for the keystores
truststoretype JKS/JCEKS Sets the type of the truststores (containing public keys). The default value is JCEKS.
truststorepass Any string Specifies the password for the truststores
encstorepass Any string Specifies the password for the encryption keystore
encmetadatapass Any string Specifies the password for the encryption metadata
cacertdname Sets the Distinguished Name of the CA certificate, starting with a forward-slash. For example:
/C=GB/ST=UK/L=Maidenhead/O=Alfresco Software Ltd./OU=Unknown/CN=Custom Alfresco
repocertdname Sets the Distinguished Name of the repository certificate, starting with a forward-slash. For example:
/C=GB/ST=UK/L=Maidenhead/O=Alfresco Software Ltd./OU=Unknown/CN=Custom Alfresco
solrcertdname Sets the Distinguished Name of the Solr certificate, starting with a forward-slash. For example:
/C=GB/ST=UK/L=Maidenhead/O=Alfresco Software Ltd./OU=Unknown/CN=Custom Alfresco
                Repository Client
browsercertdname Sets the Distinguished Name of the browser certificate, starting with a forward-slash. For example:
/C=GB/ST=UK/L=Maidenhead/O=Alfresco Software Ltd./OU=Unknown/CN=Custom Browser
caservername Any string, localhost by default. DNS Name of CA Server.
alfrescoservername Any string, localhost by default. DNS Name for Alfresco Server.
solrservername Any string, localhost by default. DNS Name For Solr Server.
alfrescoformat classic, current Default format for certificates: current for Alfresco Search and Insight Engine or Alfresco Search Services 2.0.0+, and classic for previous versions.