Smart Folder Template syntax - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

You can build your own Smart Folder Template using these guidelines.

A Smart Folder Template is a configuration file that contains one or more queries to define the nodes of a hierarchical tree of “smart” folders. It’s a JSON (Java Script Object Notation) file that defines one node object for every Smart Folder.

You can customize a copy of the smartFoldersExample.json template, which is available from Repository > Data Dictionary > Smart Folder Templates in Alfresco Share.

A node is defined by the following properties:

Property Description
name Mandatory folder name.
id Optional ID or number that is unique for the node in the template. This property is optional, however it is recommended as specifying an ID generates a much shorter (and permanent) noderef for the Smart Folder.
description Optional description, displayed in the detailed view.
nodes Optional collection of sub nodes (sub folders).
search Mandatory query defined using Alfresco FTS (full text search) language. The search is run when a Smart Folder is accessed by a user.
language Mandatory property, set to fts-alfresco.
query Mandatory FTS query that defines the folder content.
filing Optional rule that defines the filing action for a new file when it is uploaded to the Smart Folder. If no filing rule is defined, files can’t be uploaded to that folder. Parameters include:
  • path: path where a document is physically stored
  • classification: type and aspects assigned to the new file
  • properties: property values attributed to the new file
path Mandatory property in a filing rule. Path to store new documents. This is the ISO9075 encoded QName.
classification Mandatory property in a filing rule. Type and aspects of the new object.
properties Optional property. Defines property values and inheritance.

Here are some tips on notation:

  • Use percent (%) signs to use predefined placeholders in queries and filing rules
  • For repository path expressions use QNames, for example; /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:swsdp/cm:documentLibrary.
  • Special characters and whitespace are ISO9075 encoded. Use this notation to encode special characters in repository path names. For example, use _x0020_ for the whitespace character.
Placeholder Description
%ACTUAL_PATH% ISO9075 encoded repository path of the physical parent folder. Only the physical parent folder (or next physical folder up the folder tree) can use %ACTUAL_PATH%.
%CURRENT_USER% Account name of the user.
_x0020_ ISO9075 encoded whitespace character.
<> Use angle brackets, for example, <cm:name>, to inherit property values from the physical parent folder. Used for inheritance in a filing rule and in a query.

The following code fragments give more information about these properties.