Use this information to understand the full list of settings available for Smart Folders.
Settings for Smart Folders are listed in the <tomcat>/shared/classes/ file:
#Smart Folders Config Properties smart.folders.enabled=true smart.folders.model=alfresco/model/smartfolder-model.xml smart.folders.model.labels=alfresco/messages/smartfolder-model #Smart reference config #smart.reference.classpath.hash=${smart.folders.config.vanilla.processor.classpath}->1,${smart.folders.config.system.templates.classpath}->2 #Smart store config #Company home relative download associations of smart entries${spaces.dictionary.childname}/${spaces.smartdownloads.childname} #Generic virtualization methods config #Vanilla JSON templates javascript processor classpath. A java script processor used to #covert JSON templates to internal smart folder definitions. #smart.folders.config.vanilla.processor.classpath=/org/alfresco/repo/virtual/node/vanilla.js #System virtualization method config #System virtualization method aspect. #smart.folders.config.system.aspect=smf:systemConfigSmartFolder #System virtualization method aspect defined template location property. #Classpath to be explored for *.json entries defining system templates. #smart.folders.config.system.templates.classpath=/org/alfresco/repo/virtual/node #A company home relative name or qname path location of repository system templates. #smart.folders.config.system.templates.path=${spaces.dictionary.childname}/${spaces.smartfolders.childname} #Content sub type of repository system templates. #smart.folders.config.system.templates.template.type=smf:smartFolderTemplate #Custom virtualization method config #Custom virtualization method aspect. #smart.folders.config.custom.aspect=smf:customConfigSmartFolder #Custom virtualization method aspect template content association. #smart.folders.config.custom.aspect.template.association=-template-association #Type virtualization method config #A company home relative name or qname path location of the type mapped templates. #smart.folders.config.type.templates.path=${spaces.dictionary.childname}/${spaces.smartfolders.childname} #Type and aspect qname regular expression filter. #smart.folders.config.type.templates.qname.filter=none
The different sections are used in the following ways:
Smart Folders config properties: these are the basic mandatory settings for Smart Folders.
This is the default setting, and must be set to true to enable Smart Folders.
- Smart reference config: reduces the length of NodeRefs.
- Smart store config: If you use the Download as Zip function in Share for a folder that contains Smart Folders, a temporary file is created in the Data Dictionary > Smart Folder Downloads folder that contains information about the Smart Folder contents (an association folder). Use this variable to change where the association folder lives.
- Generic virtualization methods config: defines overall Smart Folder Template classpath. By default, templates live in <configRootShare>\classes\org\alfresco\repo\virtual\node.
- System virtualization method config: defines the configuration for System Smart Folders.
- Custom virtualization method config: defines the configuration for Custom Smart Folders.
- Type virtualization method config: defines the configuration for Type-based Smart Folders.