AMP File Structure - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The module package format is a compressed zip file. The AMP file has the following structure:

|_ /config
       |_ /alfresco
                |_ /extension
                       |_ /templates
                              |_ /webscripts
                |_ /web-extension
                       |_ /templates
                              |_ /webscripts
                |_ /module
                       |_ /<module_id>
                              |_ module-context.xml
|_ /lib
|_ /licenses
|_ /web
       |_ /jsp
       |_ /css
       |_ /images
       |_ /scripts
File or Dir Description
module The module directory contains a directory using the module’s ID. This ID provides a module namespace and should be unique. The convention is to use a reverse domain name (with underscore as the separator). Required. This file stores module related properties such as the module’s ID, version, title and description. Module dependencies and required Content Services version can also be set in this file. This file is located in the root of the AMP structure.
module-context.xml Required. This is a Spring bean configuration file. All beans specified within this file will get initialized when Content Services starts and loads the module. Beans that import content or initialize the module would be referenced here. Other required context files would be imported from this file too. This file is located in the directory config/alfresco/module/<module_id>/. This file is used when your module does not conform to the standard directory structure. The mapping file maps a directory in the module to a directory in the exploded web application directory. the property include.default (which is true by default) specifies whether the default mappings should be applied. You can apply the defaults and then apply your own specific mappings. If you set include.default to false, you will need to provide all the necessary mappings for your module. This file is located in the root of the module directory structure.
config This directory will be mapped into the /WEB-INF/classes directory in the WAR file. Generally your Spring and UI config will reside in the standard package structure within this directory.Resources that are used by your extension, such as XML import files or ACPs can also reside in here, as it can often be convenient to place such things on the classpath for loading from Spring.

As a module developer, you will be required to provide a module-context.xml (and optionally a module-disable-context.xml and module-uninstall-context.xml) in the alfresco.module.<moduleId> package.

These will reside in the /config directory.You should place server-side webscripts here.

AMP to war file mappings are:
  • config/alfresco/templates/webscripts to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts
  • config/alfresco/extension/templates/webscripts to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension/templates/webscripts

To be more specific /config/alfresco locates to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/

lib This directory will be mapped into /WEB-INF/lib. It should contain any JAR files that relate to your module.
licenses If your module includes any third-party JARs that require the inclusion of licenses that are not currently included in the standard repository WAR, then these should be placed here.
/web/jsp This directory should contain any custom or modified JSP’s that relate to your module. The contents are mapped into the /jsp directory in the WAR file.
/web/css This directory should contain any CSS files that relate to your module. The contents are mapped into the /css directory in the WAR file.
/web/images Any images that relate to your module should be placed here. The contents are mapped into the /images directory in the WAR file.
/web/scripts JavaScript files that are used by the user interface should be placed here. The contents are mapped into the /scripts directory in the WAR file.Any folder structures found in any of these directories are mapped, as they are found, into the destination folders in the WAR.If a file already exists it is overridden in the WAR. When this happens a recoverable backup is saved by the Module Management Tool (MMT).