Alfresco provides the ability to audit activity in the repository. What to audit log can be customized.
Architecture Information: Software Architecture
The Audit service can be used to keep a record (log) of all operations performed in the repository. The audit information is stored in a database in a form that is designed to be simple for third-party reporting tools to consume. The service allows auditing of virtually any system event, including metadata changes.
By default auditing is turned off but it can easily be turned on with a property configuration. There is a default Audit Application available out-of-the-box that logs the usual create, read, update, and delete operations by the users. It is also possible to control what events that are written to the Audit log by creating new Audit Applications.
Further information can be found in Auditing.
Sometimes it is necessary to implement a custom audit application. Let’s define a custom audit application that logs Alfresco Share site operations. However, before doing anything around the new audit application we need to make sure that the overall audit functionality in Alfresco is enabled, this is done in
audit.enabled=true audit.alfresco-access.enabled=true audit.alfresco-access.sub-actions.enabled=false
The first property audit.enabled controls the audit functionality in Alfresco. We have also enabled the out-of-the-box audit application called alfresco-access as we can use it to produce the audit data we need in the site access audit application. The alfresco-access application will produce high-level audit data such as:
- Logins (success and failure)
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete on nodes
- Updates to metadata/property
- Adding and Removing aspects
- Reading and Updating content
- Check in, Check out, and Cancel check-out
- Versioning of content nodes
A custom audit application is defined in XML and in a file located in the alfresco/extension/audit directory. Name the file according to what the audit application does, such as share-site-audit-app.xml:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <Audit xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" alfresco-audit-3.2.xsd" > <DataExtractors> <DataExtractor name="simpleValue" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.simpleValue"/> <DataExtractor name="nodeName" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.nodeName"/> <DataExtractor name="nodeType" registeredName="auditModel.extractor.nodeType"/> <!-- Custom data extractor --> <DataExtractor name="siteName" class="org.alfresco.tutorial.audit.dataextractor.SiteNameDataExtractor"/> </DataExtractors> <PathMappings> <PathMap source="/alfresco-access" target="/share-site-access"/> </PathMappings> <Application name="ShareSiteAccess" key="share-site-access"> <RecordValue key="access" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/share-site-access/transaction/action" dataTrigger="/share-site-access/transaction/action"/> <RecordValue key="nodepath" dataExtractor="simpleValue" dataSource="/share-site-access/transaction/path" dataTrigger="/share-site-access/transaction/path"/> <RecordValue key="nodename" dataExtractor="nodeName" dataSource="/share-site-access/transaction/node" dataTrigger="/share-site-access/transaction/node"/> <RecordValue key="nodetype" dataExtractor="nodeType" dataSource="/share-site-access/transaction/node" dataTrigger="/share-site-access/transaction/node"/> <RecordValue key="site" dataExtractor="siteName" dataSource="/share-site-access/transaction/path" dataTrigger="/share-site-access/transaction/path"/> </Application> </Audit>
The audit configuration file starts with a definition of the Data Extractors that we will be using in our audit application. These components are present to take input data, such as a NodeRef object, and provide output data, such as a node name. For further information about Data Extractors, see Auditing.
One example of an extractor is the NodeNameDataExtractor, which basically extracts the value of cm:name for the node. We define it as an extractor for our audit application by using the registered name (i.e. Spring bean id) auditModel.extractor.nodeName.
Sometimes a data extractor might not be available for what we want to audit log. In our case we want to keep the Alfresco Share site identifier (that is, site short name) in the audit log, and there is no out-of-the-box extractor for this data. In these cases we can implement a custom data extractor.
The siteName data extractor is a custom data extractor that is implemented with the org.alfresco.tutorial.audit.dataextractor.SiteNameDataExtractor class as follows:
publicclassSiteNameDataExtractorextendsAbstractDataExtractor { /** * @return true if this extractor can do anything with the data */ @Override publicbooleanisSupported(Serializable data) { return (data != null && data instanceof String); } /** * Extract the site name / id * * @param in a string containing the site id * @return the site id * @throws Throwable */ @Override public Serializable extractData(Serializable in) throws Throwable { String path = (String) in; String siteName = ""; if (path.contains("st:sites")) { siteName = StringUtils.substringBetween(path, "/st:sites/", "/"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Extracted site name: " + siteName); } } // If content is not in a site, or if it is surf config for user dashboard if (StringUtils.isBlank(siteName) || StringUtils.equals(siteName, "cm:surf-config")) { // The default site name for content not associated with sites. siteName = "<no-site>"; } return siteName; } }
The data extractor class should extend the org.alfresco.repo.audit.extractor.AbstractDataExtractor base class and implement the isSupported and extractData methods. This class is registered directly as a Data Extractor in the above audit application configuration, if we needed to use a public Java API service, such as the NodeService, then we could register the data extractor as a Spring bean in the same way as the out-of-the-box data extractors.
After we have defined the data extractors we need to define the audit paths that we want to record data for. An audit path basically tells you what data producer and operation that should be mapped to our custom audit application. In our case we just want to map all operations produced by the alfresco-access data producer to our application, so the path mapping is simply <PathMap source="/alfresco-access" target="/share-site-access"/>.
The last thing we define is the actual audit application and what values we want to record in the log. For this we need to know a bit about what the complete audit paths look like that the alfresco-access application is producing. We can see this by turning on debug log with: logger.alfresco-repo-audit-inbound.level=debug
Starting up Alfresco with the audit log turned on we will see logs such as:
Inbound audit values: /alfresco-access/transaction/type=cm:content /alfresco-access/transaction/path=/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:alfresco-kb/cm:documentLibrary/cm:MyFolder2/cm:some.txt /alfresco-access/transaction/action=readContent /alfresco-access/transaction/sub-actions=readContent updateNodeProperties addNodeAspect /alfresco-access/transaction/properties/add/cm:lastThumbnailModification=[pdf:1455014546353] /alfresco-access/transaction/node=workspace://SpacesStore/ab10b6e6-2399-4d25-9ea8-a4282acc62c5 /alfresco-access/transaction/aspects/add/cm:thumbnailModification=null /alfresco-access/transaction/properties/add=cm:lastThumbnailModification=[pdf:1455014546353] /alfresco-access/transaction/aspects/add/rn:renditioned=null /alfresco-access/transaction/user=admin /alfresco-access/transaction/aspects/add=[{}renditioned, {}thumbnailModification]
So we can see that everything is under the /transaction path and we can use that to define what values we want to log, such as for example:
Before we start this up and add content to a site we need to configure some filters so we don’t get audit logging for everything in the repository:
# Capture only site data, and ignore stuff done by system user audit.filter.alfresco-access.default.enabled=true audit.filter.alfresco-access.default.user=~System;~null;.* audit.filter.alfresco-access.default.path=/app:company_home/st:sites/.* audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.user=~System;~null;.* audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.path=/app:company_home/st:sites/.* audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.action= audit.filter.alfresco-access.transaction.type=
The ".default." values are overridden by the more specific ".transaction." values. Here we filter out anything not in a site or created by System or null user. We also reset the action and type so we get logs for custom types.
If we run the system now and create a text file in a site we should see audit logs such as the following when using the http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/audit/query/ShareSiteAccess?verbose=true&limit=0 Web Script:
{ id: 7, application: "ShareSiteAccess", user: "admin", time: "2016-02-09T14:45:59.019Z", values: { /share-site-access/nodename: "someplain.txt", /share-site-access/site: "cm:alfresco-kb", /share-site-access/access: "CREATE", /share-site-access/nodepath: "/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:alfresco-kb/cm:documentLibrary/cm:MyFolder/cm:someplain.txt", /share-site-access/nodetype: "{}content" } }, { id: 9, application: "ShareSiteAccess", user: "admin", time: "2016-02-09T14:46:02.664Z", values: { /share-site-access/nodename: "pdf", /share-site-access/site: "cm:alfresco-kb", /share-site-access/access: "CREATE", /share-site-access/nodepath: "/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:alfresco-kb/cm:documentLibrary/cm:MyFolder/cm:someplain.txt/cm:pdf", /share-site-access/nodetype: "{}thumbnail" } }, { id: 11, application: "ShareSiteAccess", user: "admin", time: "2016-02-09T14:46:02.685Z", values: { /share-site-access/nodename: "someplain.txt", /share-site-access/site: "cm:alfresco-kb", /share-site-access/access: "readContent", /share-site-access/nodepath: "/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:alfresco-kb/cm:documentLibrary/cm:MyFolder/cm:someplain.txt", /share-site-access/nodetype: "{}content" } },
We can see in the log that username and date and time is recorded automatically for us, we don’t need to specify <RecordValue element for them in the audit application configuration.
Defining a custom audit application can be really useful as you can control exactly what data that goes into the log. And it is also possible to create scheduled jobs to extract the data and send it somewhere else for processing or archiving, followed by a clean-up of the log in Alfresco.
Beside the alfresco-access data producer we also have the alfresco-api data producer that operates on a more fine grained level, giving you an opportunity to audit log access to some part of the public API for example. Running with debug gives us an idea of what data it produces and the paths for it:
Inbound audit values: /alfresco-api/pre/NodeService/getProperty/args/nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/2382808a-10d2-4316-bdf3-ec80439d74c4 /alfresco-api/pre/NodeService/getProperty/args/qname={}modified Inbound audit values: /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/getAspects/args/nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/2382808a-10d2-4316-bdf3-ec80439d74c4 /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/getAspects/result=[{}hiddenRendition, {}indexControl, {}auditable, {}referenceable, {}localized] /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/getAspects/no-error=null
It is also possible to query the audit log based on a timestamp range. Let’s say for example that you would like to see all audit logs between 2016-08-24 07:00:00 and 2016-08-24 07:59:59. To achieve this we first need to convert the date and time to timestamps (i.e. long values). There are a few websites that offer help with this, one is EpochConverter. After conversion we have 1472018400000 and 1472021999000 (It is important to select the correct timezone when converting, in this case it is GMT+1:00). Note that the milliseconds part need to be included. The query will then for example look like this for the out-of-the-box audit application: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/audit/query/alfresco-access?verbose=true&fromTime=1472018400000&toTime=1472021999000.