File Storage Buckets - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The default behavior of the FileContentStore is to store content files in a content URL with the following URL format:


For example, for content stored in 17th June 2016 at 10:38pm, the content URL used would be:


To create a custom FileContentStore content URL provider, implement the interface FileContentUrlProvider and the method with the following signature:

public String createNewFileStoreUrl()

This method must return a URL beginning with the scheme store, for example, store://<any unique path>. The resulting FileContentUrlProvider may then be wired up to any FileContentStore instance.

To customize the behavior of fileContentStore, set the following properties in the file:

  • system.content.maximumFileSizeLimit: Specifies the value for the maximum permitted size (in bytes) of all content. By default, no limit is specified.
  • dir.contentstore.bucketsPerMinute: Splits the data into a maximum number of buckets within the minute. The default value is zero, which means all the content created within the same minute will live in the same folder in the content store. If a value is specified, the content will be distributed into sub folders based on the second in which it was created. For example, dir.contentstore.bucketsPerMinute=6.