For the repository to talk to a T-Engine, it must know the engine’s URL. The URL can be added as an Alfresco global property, or more simply as a Java system property. JAVA_OPTS may be used to set this if starting the repository with Docker.
The <engineName> is a unique name of the T-Engine. For example, localTransform.helloworld.url. Typically a T-Engine contains a single transform or an associated group of transforms. Having set the URL to a T-Engine, the repository will update its configuration by requesting the T-Engine configuration on a periodical basis. It is requested more frequent on start up or if a communication or configuration problem has occurred, and a less frequently otherwise.
local.transform.service.cronExpression=4 30 0/1 * * ? local.transform.service.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?