Configure Custom Local Failover Transforms - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

A failover transform, simply provides a list of transforms to be attempted one after another until one succeeds. For example, you may have a fast transform that is able to handle a limited set of transforms and another that is slower but handles all cases.

  "transformers": [
      "transformerName": "imgExtractOrImgCreate",
      "transformerFailover" : [ "imgExtract", "imgCreate" ],
      "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [
        {"sourceMediaType": "application/", "priority": 150, "targetMediaType": "image/png" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template",       "priority": 150, "targetMediaType": "image/png" }
  • transformerName - Try to create a unique name for the transform.
  • transformerFaillover - A list of transformers to try.
  • supportedSourceAndTargetList - The supported source and target Media Types, which refer to the Media Types this failover transformer can transform from and to, additionally you can set the priority and the maxSourceSizeBytes see Supported Source and Target List. Unlike pipelines, it must not be blank.
  • transformOptions - A list of references to options required by the pipeline transformer.