Quite often the reason a custom transform is created is to convert to or from a MIME type (or Media type) that is not known to Content Services by default. Another reason is to introduce an application specific MIME type that indicates a specific use of a more general format such as XML or JSON. From Content Services 6.2, it is possible add custom MIME types in a similar way to custom Pipelines and Renditions. The JSON format and properties are as follows:
{ "mediaTypes": [ { "name": "MPEG4 Audio", "mediaType": "audio/mp4", "extensions": [ {"extension": "m4a"} ] }, { "name": "Plain Text", "mediaType": "text/plain", "text": true, "extensions": [ {"extension": "txt", "default": true}, {"extension": "sql", "name": "SQL"}, {"extension": "properties", "name": "Java Properties"}, {"extension": "log", "name": "Log File"} ] } ] }
- name Display name of the mimetype or file extension. Optional for extensions.
- mediaType used to identify the content.
- text optional value indicating if the mimetype is text based.
- extensions a list of possible extensions.
- extension the file extension.
- default indicates the extension is the default one if there is more than one.
mimetype.config.cronExpression=0 30 0/1 * * ? mimetype.config.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?
In a Kubernetes environment:
kubectl create configmap custom-mimetype-config --from-file=name_of_a_file.json
The necessary volumes are already provided out of the box and the files in ConfigMap custom-mimetype-config will be mounted to /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/mimetypes. Again, the files will be picked up the next time the location is read, or when the repository pods are restarted.