The following extractors, and their configuration (i.e. property mappings), exist now in T-Engines rather than in the repository (i.e. alfresco.war):
- OfficeMetadataExtractor with configuration
- TikaAutoMetadataExtractor with configuration
- DWGMetadataExtractor with configuration
- OpenDocumentMetadataExtractor with configuration
- PdfBoxMetadataExtractor with configuration
- MailMetadataExtractor with configuration
- PoiMetadataExtractor with configuration
- TikaAudioMetadataExtractor with configuration
- MP3MetadataExtractor with configuration
- HtmlMetadataExtractor with configuration
- RFC822MetadataExtractor with configuration
The LibreOffice extractor has also been moved to a T-Engine, even though Tika based extractors are now used for all types it supported. This has been the case since ACS 6.0.1. It was moved into a T-Engine to simplify moving any custom code that may have extended it.
The Tika based classes for extractors using configuration files or spring context files have been removed from the repository as the preferred way to create extractors is via a T-Engine and these approaches require in process extensions.