The Event Gateway is a brand new Alfresco Component, introduced to improve the security of the Events Extension Point. The Event Gateway relies on existing components that produces internal events flagged for external consumption. Those events are then consumed by the Event Gateway Service and routed to various destinations such as the queryable Event Store, Global Public Event Topic, subscription triggers, and the Event Archive.
The following picture illustrates how the Event Gateway fits into the big picture:
The Event Gateway provides the following:
- More security and store and forward of events
- Choice of what ActiveMQ instance you want to use. Extensions don’t need to use the Repository instance.
- You can create different subscriptions for different extensions.
- Events can be filtered, for example: consume only created or updated files of content type pub:article or pub:book
- The gateway also provide metrics: Event produced, event consumed, current subscriptions etc.
- (Enterprise Edition) Events are filtered by ACL, so users can only receive events of nodes they have permission to read.
Note: The Event Gateway is an optional component, but very useful if
you want more security.