Getting an Audit Entry (Log) - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Getting an audit log uses the getAuditEntry method of the AuditApi.

For more information about this ReST API endpoint, see Get an Audit Entry (Log).

For a description of the common parameters, such as fields, see Common Parameters.

import org.alfresco.core.handler.AuditApi;
import org.alfresco.core.model.AuditEntryEntry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.List;

public class GetAuditLogCmd {
    static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetAuditLogCmd.class);

    AuditApi auditApi;

    public void execute(String auditAppId, String auditLogId) throws IOException {
        List<String> fields = null;

        AuditEntryEntry auditLog = auditApi.getAuditEntry(auditAppId, auditLogId, fields).getBody();"Got audit log metadata  {}", auditLog);

Executing this code will list the audit logs for passed in audit app id. The audit log values have been trimmed:

% java -jar target/rest-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar get-audit-log alfresco-access 80                     

2021-05-10 09:49:57.492  INFO 51645 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : Started RestApiApplication in 3.49 seconds (JVM running for 3.992)
2021-05-10 09:49:57.494  INFO 51645 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : args[0]: get-audit-log
2021-05-10 09:49:57.496  INFO 51645 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : args[1]: alfresco-access
2021-05-10 09:49:57.496  INFO 51645 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : args[2]: 80
2021-05-10 09:49:57.676  INFO 51645 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.GetAuditLogCmd      : Got audit log metadata  class AuditEntryEntry {
    entry: class AuditEntry {
        id: 80
        auditApplicationId: alfresco-access
        createdByUser: class UserInfo {
            displayName: Administrator
            id: admin
        createdAt: 2021-05-10T08:27:12.270Z
        values: {
          /alfresco-access/transaction/properties/from={cm:lastThumbnailModification=[pdf:1620394371183, doclib:1620394374161], {}modified=2021-05-10T08:27:10.986+0000}, 
          /alfresco-access/transaction/properties/to={cm:lastThumbnailModification=[doclib:1620394374161, pdf:1620635231931], {}modified=2021-05-10T08:27:11.935+0000}, 