Adding Content to a Site - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Adding content to a site uses the same API calls as are used to create folders and upload files elsewhere in the Repository. See Creating a Folder and Uploading a File for more information.

For more information about this ReST API endpoint, see Add Content to a Site.

For a description of the common parameters, such as fields, see Common Parameters.

The tricky bit is to figure out how to add content to the so called “Document Library” of a site. We can figure out the Node ID for the Document Library by using the listSiteContainers method of the SitesApi:

import org.alfresco.core.handler.NodesApi;
import org.alfresco.core.handler.SitesApi;
import org.alfresco.core.model.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.List;

public class AddSiteContentCmd {
    static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AddSiteContentCmd.class);

    Integer skipCount = 0;
    Integer maxItems = 100;
    private List<String> fields = null;
    private List<String> include = null;
    private Boolean autoRename = true;
    private Boolean majorVersion = true;
    private Boolean versioningEnabled = true;

    SitesApi sitesApi;

    NodesApi nodesApi;

    public void execute(String siteId) throws IOException {
        // First get the Node ID for the Document Library
        String docLibNodeId = null;
        SiteContainerPaging siteContainerPaging = sitesApi.listSiteContainers(siteId, skipCount, maxItems, fields).getBody();"Listing site containers [{}]: ", siteId);
        for (SiteContainerEntry siteContainerEntry: siteContainerPaging.getList().getEntries()) {
            SiteContainer siteContainer = siteContainerEntry.getEntry();
  "  Site container: {}", siteContainer);
            if (siteContainer.getFolderId().equalsIgnoreCase("DocumentLibrary")) {
                docLibNodeId = siteContainer.getId();

        if (docLibNodeId != null) {
            // Create a folder in the document library
            createFolder(docLibNodeId, "White papers");
        } else {
  "Document library not found in site {}", siteId);

     * Make the remote call to create a folder in the repository, if it does not exist.
     * @param parentFolderId the node ID for the site container
     * @param folderName         the name of the folder
     * @return a node object for the newly created node, contains the ID,
     * such as e859588c-ae81-4c5e-a3b6-4c6109b6c905
    private Node createFolder(String parentFolderId,
                              String folderName) {
        NodeBodyCreate nodeBodyCreate = new NodeBodyCreate();
        Node folderNode = nodesApi.createNode(parentFolderId, nodeBodyCreate, autoRename, majorVersion, versioningEnabled,
                include, fields).getBody().getEntry();"Created new folder in DocLib: {}", folderNode);

        return folderNode;

Executing this code will create a folder in the passed in site’s document library:

% java -jar target/rest-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar add-site-content test

2021-05-05 10:43:34.208  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : Started RestApiApplication in 3.019 seconds (JVM running for 3.46)
2021-05-05 10:43:34.210  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : args[0]: add-site-content
2021-05-05 10:43:34.211  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.RestApiApplication  : args[1]: test
2021-05-05 10:43:34.390  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.AddSiteContentCmd   : Listing site containers [test]: 
2021-05-05 10:43:34.391  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.AddSiteContentCmd   :   Site container: class SiteContainer {
    id: 605e085c-92ae-4a53-b902-99c7d215f475
    folderId: documentLibrary
2021-05-05 10:43:34.833  INFO 16095 --- [           main] o.a.tutorial.restapi.AddSiteContentCmd   : Created new folder in DocLib: class Node {
    id: 6e157336-068a-4384-bc29-e4e1ca09cc6c
    name: White papers
    nodeType: cm:folder
    isFolder: true
    isFile: false
    isLocked: false
    modifiedAt: 2021-05-05T09:43:34.660Z
    modifiedByUser: class UserInfo {
        displayName: Administrator
        id: admin
    createdAt: 2021-05-05T09:43:34.660Z
    createdByUser: class UserInfo {
        displayName: Administrator
        id: admin
    parentId: 605e085c-92ae-4a53-b902-99c7d215f475
    isLink: null
    isFavorite: null
    content: null
    aspectNames: [cm:auditable]
    properties: null
    allowableOperations: null
    path: null
    permissions: null
    definition: null