Download the Form Development Kit (FDK) Source JAR
Download the FDK Source code: fdk-custom-model-module-x.x-sources, where x.x is the version number.
You can find the FDK Source code in the Alfresco Nexus repository. Log in and search for "fdk-custom-model-module" on the Nexus repository, available at
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Copy the FDK content model files into the SDK project:
Change the extension name for the FDK JAR file so its a ZIP file instead. Then open and extract its content. Now copy both the fdk-model.xml file and the file into the aio/aio-platform-docker/src/main/docker AIO SDK directory.
Bootstrap FDK content model:
Update the acs61-aio/acs61-aio-platform/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/acs61-aio-platform/context/bootstrap-context.xml file so it also bootstraps the FDK content model, the dictionary bootstrapper bean should now look something like this:
<beanid="acs61-aio-platform.dictionaryBootstrap"parent="dictionaryModelBootstrap"depends-on="dictionaryBootstrap"> <property name="models"> <list> <value>alfresco/module/${project.artifactId}/model/content-model.xml</value> <value>alfresco/module/${project.artifactId}/model/workflow-model.xml</value> <value>alfresco/extension/fdk-model.xml</value> </list> </property> <property name="labels"> <list> <!-- Bootstrap Resource Bundles for the content model types, aspects, properties etc --> <value>alfresco/module/${project.artifactId}/messages/content-model</value> <value>alfresco/extension/fdk-model</value> </list> </property> </bean>
Open up the platform/repository Docker file and add the command to copy the FDK content model files into an alfresco/extension directory
The platform (repository) Docker file is located in the aio/aio-platform-docker/src/main/docker AIO SDK directory. Add the following COPY command at the end of this file:
... # Copy in the FDK content model for association/relationship example COPY fdk-model.xml $TOMCAT_DIR/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/
What this Dockerfile will do is build a custom Repository Docker image that is based on the out-of-the-box Alfresco Repository Docker image that you are using. After it has copied in all the extensions, config files, license etc it will finish by copying in the fdk-model.xml and files into the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension directory where they will be picked up and deployed.
Restart the platform/repository container
We have changed only the platform/repository, so it is enough to just restart this container:
acs61-aio mbergljung$ ./ reload_acs Killing docker_acs61-aio-acs_1 ... done Going to remove docker_acs61-aio-acs_1 Removing docker_acs61-aio-acs_1 ... done ...
Now that the FDK content model is available in our Alfresco installation we can move on and try out associations.