You use the HTTP POST command to create, update, and delete content from a repository. In an application a user would use an HTML form in a browser.
You use the cmisaction element to control the action. So for example to create a document you would set cmisaction=createDocument.
You define other CMIS properties as form elements for example: propertyId[0]… propertyValue[0].
You define the content stream for a create or an update using the file input form element:
<inputid="content” type="file”
The form shows an example of a document create command:
<formid="cd1"action="http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/…"method="post"> <table> <tr> <td><label for="name">Name:</label></td> <td><input name="propertyValue[0]" type="text" id="name”/></td> <td><input id="content" name="Browse" type="file" height="70px" size="50"/></td> </tr> </table> <input id="cd" type="submit" value="Create Document"/></td> <input name="propertyId[0]" type="hidden" value="cmis:name" /> <input name="propertyId[1]" type="hidden" value="cmis:objectTypeId" /> <input name="propertyValue[1]" type="hidden" type="text" id="typeId" value="cmis:document"/> </td> <input name="cmisaction" type="hidden" value="createDocument" /> </form>
The form action URL is more specifically put together as follows. To create the document directly under /Company Home use:
And to store the document in a specific folder specify the folder path as the display path leaving out /Company Home: <formid="cd1"action="http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/browser/root/MyFolder"method="post">