A node-level locking service, used by the CheckOutCheckIn service. Does not create a working copy. If you need a node-level locking system, then the LockService can provide this. Functionality provided by the service includes:
- Checking for a lock on a node
- Obtaining lock information
- Locking and unlocking a node
- Suspend and enable locks
Example checking if a node is locked:
/** * Return whether a Node is currently locked * @param node The Node wrapper to test against * @param lockService The LockService to use * @return whether a Node is currently locked */ publicstatic Boolean isNodeLocked(Node node,LockService lockService) { Boolean locked = Boolean.FALSE; if (node.hasAspect(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCKABLE)) { LockStatus lockStatus = serviceRegistry.getLockService().getLockStatus(node.getNodeRef()); if (lockStatus == LockStatus.LOCKED || lockStatus == LockStatus.LOCK_OWNER) { locked = Boolean.TRUE; } } return locked; }