Deleting Nodes - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Since Content Services 4.1.1 the alf_node.node_deleted database column has been replaced by a system type (sys:deleted) and an aspect (sys:pendingDelete). While the sys:deleted type will never be visible to client code, the sys:pendingDelete aspect will be. Any custom code that attempts to modify behaviour during node deletion may need to be adjusted.

Changes made in 4.1.1 introduced comprehensive behaviour policy callbacks (i.e. event handlers) for all associations during node deletion. The following node policies (for more information on node policies, see Behaviour Policies) are available for node deletion:

  • BeforeDeleteNodePolicy
  • BeforeArchiveNodePolicy
  • OnDeleteNodePolicy
  • BeforeDeleteChildAssociationPolicy
  • OnDeleteChildAssociationPolicy
  • BeforeDeleteAssociationPolicy
  • OnDeleteAssociationPolicy

The association (peer and child) policies are now fired reliably for all associations within the node hierarchy being deleted. For examples of their usage, see:

Once NodeService.deleteNode is called:

  • It is impossible to add or remove associations to or from any node in the hierarchy being deleted. This includes attempted changes from any source including changes attempted by custom code reacting to before- or on-delete callbacks.
  • All nodes in the hierarchy will temporarily have the sys:pendingDelete aspect applied. Custom code can using NodeService.hasAspect to discover if a node is about to be deleted.
  • It is impossible to add new nodes or link other nodes into any node in the hierarchy being deleted. Any attempt to do so will be treated as a concurrency violation since custom code should not be attempting this from callbacks during the node deletion.
  • All associations, with the notable exception of the primary parent-child links, will be removed even if node archival is taking place. Node archival now only preserves the core parent-child associations and discards all other associations after making the relevant callbacks. Custom code must use the association deletion callbacks to remove nodes or aspects that might violate model integrity constraints in the archived hierarchy.

A good example of the changes is in the handling of the cm:copiedFrom aspect. Copied nodes have an aspect cm:copiedfrom, which has a mandatory association to the original source node. When either the source or copy is deleted the aspect has to be removed. See org.alfresco.repo.copy.CopyServiceImpl.beforeDeleteOriginalAssociation for how the association deletion is detected in order to ensure that the aspect is removed from the copied node.