Sample Code - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Rendering engines are registered with the RenditionService through Spring dependency injection. The rendition-services-context.xml declares an abstract bean called baseRenderingAction, which is the parent bean for all rendering engines. baseRenderingAction itself is a child bean of the ActionServices action-executer bean.

In Content Services, there are a number of concrete rendering engine beans, for example, reformat within the same spring context file. To register a new rendering engine, add new spring bean definitions.

Creating a rendition definition:

// Names must be provided for the rendition definition and the rendering engine to use.
QName  renditionName       = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "myRendDefn");
String renderingEngineName = ReformatRenderingEngine.NAME;

// Create the Rendition Definition object.
RenditionDefinition renditionDef = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().createRenditionDefinition(renditionName, renderingEngineName);

// Set parameters on the rendition definition.
renditionDef.setParameterValue(AbstractRenderingEngine.PARAM_MIME_TYPE, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PDF);

Storing a rendition definition:

// Store the Rendition Definition using the QName
// of the Rendition Definition as a unique identifier.

Retrieving a rendition definition can be done in the following ways:

// 1. As a list of all stored Rendition Definitions
List<RenditionDefinition> definitions = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().loadRenditionDefinitions();

// 2. As a list of stored Rendition Definitions filtered by Rendering Engine name.
String renderingEngineName = "myEngineName";
List<RenditionDefinition> definitions = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().loadRenditionDefinitions();

// 3. As a single Rendition Definition, uniquely identified by its QName.
QName renditionName = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "myRendDefn");
RenditionDefinition renditionDef = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().loadRenditionDefinition(renditionName);

Editing an existing rendition definition:

// Retrieve the existing Rendition Definition
QName renditionName = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "myRendDefn");
RenditionDefinition renditionDef = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().loadRenditionDefinition(renditionName);

// Make changes.
renditionDef.setParameterValue(AbstractRenderingEngine.PARAM_MIME_TYPE, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PDF);
renditionDef.setParameterValue(serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().PARAM_ORPHAN_EXISTING_RENDITION, true);

// Persist the changes.

Performing a simple rendition:

// A rendition definition is required to perform any rendition.
// The rendition definition can be loaded from the repository or created as shown above.
NodeRef sourceNode = // obtained in the usual way e.g. from nodeService
ChildAssociationRef renditionAssoc = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().render(sourceNode, renditionDef);

Performing a composite rendition:

// First obtain a Composite Rendition Definition
// This can be loaded from the repository or created as shown here.
QName renditionName = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "myRendDefn");
CompositeRenditionDefinition compositeDefinition = 

// Now specify which other renditions are to be performed as part of the composite rendition.
RenditionDefinition reformatDefinition = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().load(reformatRenditionName);
RenditionDefinition rescaleImageDefinition = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().load(rescaleImageRenditionName);

// Perform the composite rendition
NodeRef sourceNode = // obtained in the usual way e.g. from nodeService
ChildAssociationRef renditionAssoc = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().render(sourceNode, compositeDefinition);

Retrieving renditions for a node:

NodeRef sourceNode = // obtained in the usual way e.g. from nodeService

// 1. Get all renditions with the specified node as their source.
List<ChildAssociationRef> allRenditions = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().getRenditions(sourceNode);

// 2. Get the rendition with the specified source node and the specified rendition definition name.
//    If there is no matching rendition, null is returned
QName renditionName = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, "myRenditionDef");
ChildAssociationRef rendition = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().getRenditionByName(sourceNode, renditionName);

// 3. Get the renditions with the specified source node whose MIME types match a filter
//    This example returns renditions whose mimetype starts with "image".
List<ChildAssociationRef> imageRenditions = serviceRegistry.getRenditionService().getRenditions(sourceNode, "image");

Specifying a rendition definition as asynchronous or synchronous:

This behaviour is inherited from the ActionService - remember that RenditionDefinition extends Action. So we can create a rendition definition as shown above and set it to execute asynchronously:

RenditionDefinition renditionDef = // created as shown above


See also: