Debug and Production Suffices - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The Dependency Handler is capable of dealing with production (minified) and debug versions of files. The Spring application context configuration for the bean allows you to specify the different file suffices that can be used for both production and debug versions and the Dependency Handler will work through the different suffices until it finds a matching file. This means that Surf will always be able to fall back to the debug version of the code if a minified version does not exist. By default the debug suffices are:

  • No suffix
  • _src
  • -debug

The production suffices are:

  • -min
  • -minified
  • no suffix

You can change these suffices by overriding the definition for the dependency.handler bean in the Spring application context in case you want to add, remove or re-order the default entries.

Note: The current limitation of this solution is that it only works with static requests from the page and not dynamic requests made from a script. However, many JavaScript libraries provide their own solution to this problem (for example TinyMCE).