There are a number of root API objects available. Depending on the context of the object being processed (such as a Surf page, template, or component), the objects available will differ slightly. For instance, when a page is the current context, the config object will not be available as there is no configuration at the page level. The context for rendering will be one of: the current page, the template for the page, or a component bound within the template.
Following is the complete list of Surf platform root-scope objects.
Object | Description |
context | The request context of the current page. This object is always available. |
user | The current user. This object is always available. |
content | The current content instance. This object is available if the dispatcher is rendering a page for a given content object ID. |
page | Information relating to the current page object. This object is available for pages, templates, and components within a page. |
template | The template for the current page. This object is available for templates and components within the template. |
config | An object representing component level XML configuration. |
theme | The current theme ID string. This object is always available. |
instance | The currently rendering model object (along with rendering context). This object is always available and will be one of a page, template, or component. |
sitedata | Utility for working with the Surf platform object model. This object is always available. |
remote | The Web Script Framework remote helper object. This object is available for Web script components. It provides a simple API for making remote HTTP RESTful calls from web tier JavaScript and retrieving the response content and status code. |
locale | The current locale for the user request thread, as a string in Java Locale format. |
htmlid | The page unique HTML ID string. |
url | URL model for the current page request. |
head | Concatenated component .head template output. |
app | Helper object for dealing with the web application’s environment. |
msg | FreeMarker method object to resolve internationalization message IDs into label strings. |