The sitedata object provides information about a site such as its configuration and root page.
The sitedata object provides the following properties. The property types include:
- Framework properties.
- Properties that provide arrays of all objects of a given type.
- Properties that provide associative arrays (or maps) of all instances for a given object type. These maps are keyed by object ID.
Property | Description |
rootPage | Root page object for the web site/application. |
siteConfiguration | Configuration object for the web site/application. |
objectTypeIds | Return a string array of object type IDs. |
chrome | Provides an array of all Chrome objects. |
components | Provides an array of all Component objects. |
componentTypes | Provides an array of all ComponentType objects. |
configurations | Provides an array of all Configuration objects. |
contentAssociations | Provides an array of all ContentAssociation objects. |
pages | Returns an array of all Page objects. |
pageTypes | Provides an array of all PageType objects. |
pageAssociations | Provides an array of all PageAssociation objects. |
templates | Provides an array of all Template objects. |
templateTypes | Provides an array of all TemplateType objects. |
themes | Provides an array of all Theme objects. |
chromeMap | Provides an associative array of all Chrome objects. |
componentsMap | Provides an associative array of all Component objects. |
componentTypesMap | Provides an associative array of all ComponentType objects. |
configurationsMap | Provides an associative array of all Configuration objects. |
contentAssociationsMap | Provides an associative array of all ContentAssociation objects. |
pagesMap | Provides an associative array of all Page objects. |
pageAssociationsMap | Provides an associative array of all PageAssociation objects. |
templatesMap | Provides an associative array of all Template objects. |
templateTypesMap | Provides an associative array of all TemplateType objects. |
themesMap | Provides an associative array of all Theme objects. |
Method | Description |
getObjectTypeName | This method returns the object type name, given the object type ID. Parameter objectTypeId is a string representing the object type ID. Returns a string representing the object type name, or null if the object type ID cannot be found. |
getObjectTypeDescription | This method returns the object type description, given the object type ID. Parameter objectTypeId is a string representing the object type ID. Returns a string representing the object type name, or null if the object type ID cannot be found. |
getObjects | This method returns an array of objects of the given object type ID. Parameter objectTypeId is a string representing the object type ID. Returns an array of objects of the specified type ID. |
getObjectsMap | This method returns a map of all instances of the given type. The map is keyed on object ID. Parameter objectTypeId is a string representing the object type ID. Returns a map of objects keyed on object ID. |
newObject | These methods return a newly created ScriptModelObject. Returns a newly created object with the specified object type and ID. |
newObject(String objectTypeId) | Parameter objectTypeId is a string representing the object type ID. |
newObject(String objectTypeId, String objectId) | Parameter objectId is a string representing the object ID. |
newChrome | This method creates and returns a new Chrome object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new Chrome instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newComponent | These methods create and return a new Component object instance. The scope, region and sourceId parameters should be set before the object is persisted. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new Component instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newComponent(String componentTypeId) | Parameter componentTypeId is a string representing the component type ID. |
newComponent(String scope, String regionId, String sourceId) | Parameter scope is one of global, template or page. Parameter regionIdis the ID of the region to bind to. Parameter sourceId is the source ID for the given scope. |
newComponent(String componentTypeId, String scope, String regionId, String sourceId) | |
newComponentType | This method returns a ScriptModelObject representing a new ComponentType instance of the specified type. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new ComponentType instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newConfiguration | These methods create and return a new Configuration object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new Configuration instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newConfiguration(String sourceId) | Parameter sourceId is a string representing the value to assign to the sourceId property. |
newContentAssociation | This method creates and returns a new ContentAssociation object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new ContentAssociation instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newPage | these methods create and return a new Page object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new Page instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newPage(String id) | Parameter id is a string representing the page instance id. |
newPage(String id, String title, String description) | Parameter title is the title of the page instance. Parameter description is the description of the page instance. |
newPage(String id, String title, String titleId, String description, String descriptionId) | Parameter titleId is the message bundle key used to look up the title of the page instance. Parameter descriptionId is the message bundle key used to look up the description of the page instance. |
newPageAssociation | This method creates and returns a new PageAssociation object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new PageAssociation instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newPageType | This method creates and returns a new Chrome object instance. Parameter objectId is a string representing the object ID. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new PageType instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newTemplate | These methods create and return a new Template object instance. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new Template instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newTemplate(String templateTypeId) | Parameter templateTypeId is a string representing the id of the template type to be created. |
newTemplate(String templateTypeId, String title, String description) | Parameter title is the title of the template instance. Parameter description is the description of the template instance. |
newTemplate(String templateTypeId, String title, String titleId, String description, String descriptionId) | Parameter titleId is the message bundle key used to look up the title of the page instance. Parameter descriptionId is the message bundle key used to look up the description of the page instance. |
newTemplateType | This method creates and returns a new TemplateType object instance. Parameter objectId is a string representing the object ID. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing the new TemplateType instance. The ID for the instance is generated using the Web Framework’s random GUID generator. |
newTheme | This method returns a newly created ScriptModelObject representing a new Theme. Parameter objectId is a string representing the object ID. Returns a ScriptModelObject representing a new Theme. |
newPreset | Creates model objects based on a given preset id. The preset is looked up and processed by the PresetManager bean. The various objects found in the preset will be generated using the supplied name/value map of tokens. Parameter presetId is a string representing the ID of the preset to generate. Parameter tokens is a Token name/value map. Returns void |
findComponents(String scope, String regionId, String sourceId, String componentTypeId) | Searches for Component instances within the web application that match the provided constraints. If a constraint is set to null, it is not considered as part of the search. Parameter scope is the value of the scope property of the instance. Parameter regionId is the value of the regionId property of the instance. Parameter sourceId is the value of the sourceId property of the instance. Parameter componentTypeId is the value of the componentTypeId property of the instance. Returns an array of ScriptModelObject instances that wrap the Component results of the search. |
findWebScripts | Returns an array of Object instances that represent web scripts that match the family name. Parameter family is a string representing the family. |
findChildPageAssociations | Searches for PageAssociation instances within the web application that are of association type ‘child’ and which match the specified constraints. If a constraint is set to null, it is not considered as part of the search. Parameter sourceId ia a string representing the source id and parameter destId is a string representing the destination id. Returns an array of Object instances that represent the PageAssociation results of the search. |
findPageAssociations | Searches for PageAssociation instances within the web application that are of specified association type and which match the specified constraints. If a constraint is set to null, it is not considered as part of the search. Parameter sourceId ia a string representing the source id and parameter destId is a string representing the destination id. Parameter associationType is a string representing the association type. Returns an array of Object instances that represent the PageAssociation results of the search. |
findChildPages | Searches for child pages of the given page. Parameter sourceId is a string representing the source id. Returns an array of Object instances that represent the child page results of the search. |
findParentPages | Searches for parent pages of the given page. Parameter pageId is a string representing the page id. Returns an array of Object instances that represent the parent page results of the search. |
findContentAssociations | Searches for ContentAssociation instances within the web application that match the specified constraints. If a constraint is set to null, it is not considered as part of the search. Parameters are sourceId a string representing the source id, destId a string representing the destination id, assocType a string representing the association type, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns an array of Object instances that wrap the ContentAssociation results of the search. |
findComponentsMap | Provides a map of ScriptModelObjects that wrap Component instances. The map is keyed by Component object id. Parameters are scope a string representing the scope, regionId a string representing the region id, sourceId a string representing the source id, componentTypeId a string representing the component type id. Returns a Scriptable object that represents a map of component instances keyed by component id. |
findPageAssociationsMap | Provides a map of ScriptModelObjects that wrap PageAssociation instances. The map is keyed by PageAssociation object id. Parameters are sourceId a string representing the source id, destId a string representing the destination id, associationType a string representing the association type. Returns a Scriptable object that represents a map of PageAssociation instances keyed on object id. |
findContentAssociationsMap | Provides a map of ScriptModelObjects that wrap ContentAssociation instances. The map is keyed by ContentAssociation object id. Parameters are sourceId a string representing the source id, sourceType a string representing the source type, destId a string representing the destination id, assocType a string representing the association type, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns an array of Object instances that wrap the ContentAssociation results of the search. |
findTemplatesMap | Provides a map of ScriptModelObjects that wrap Template instances. The map is keyed by format id. Parameter pageId is a string representing the page id. Returns a Scriptable object that contains a map of ScriptModelObjects that wrap Template instances. The map being keyed on format id. |
findConfiguration | Looks up Configuration instances and returns the first instance that is found for the matching constraints. Parameter sourceId is a string representing the source id. Returns a ScriptModelObject instance that wraps the Configuration instance. |
findTemplate | These methods look up template instances and return the first instance that is found for the matching constraints. Returns a ScriptModelObject instance that wraps the Template instance. |
findTemplate(String pageId) | Parameter pageId is a string representing the page id. |
findTemplate(String pageId, String formatId) | Parameter formatId is a string representing the format id. |
removeTemplate | Looks up the given Page and unbinds any Template instances that are bound to the page (keyed by formatId). If you would like to remove the default Template instance, set formatId to null. Parameters are pageId a string representing the page id and formatId a string representing the format id. Returns void |
bindComponent | These methods bind components. Returns void. |
bindComponent(String componentId, String scope, String regionId, String sourceId) | Parameters componentId a string representing the component id, scope a string representing the scope, regionId a string representing the region id, sourceId a string representing the source id |
bindComponent(ScriptModelObject componentObject, String scope, String regionId, String sourceId) | componentObject a string representing the component object. |
unbindComponent | These methods unbind components. Returns void. |
unbindComponent(String componentId) | Parameter componentId a string representing the component id |
unbindComponent(String scope, String regionId, String sourceId) | Parameters scope a string representing the scope, regionId a string representing the region id, sourceId a string representing the source id |
associateTemplate | These methods associate a template. Returns void. |
associateTemplate(String templateId, String pageId) | Parameters templateId a string representing the template id, pageId a string representing the page id. |
associateTemplate(String templateId, String pageId, String formatId) | Parameter templateId a string representing the template id. |
unassociateTemplate | These methods unassociate a template. Returns void. |
unassociateTemplate(String pageId) | Parameter pageId a string representing the page id. |
unassociateTemplate(String pageId, String formatId) | Parameter formatId a string representing the format id. |
associatePage | Associates a page. Parameters sourceId a string representing the source id, destId a string representing the destination id. Returns void |
unassociatePage | Unassociates a page. Parameters sourceId a string representing the source id, destId a string representing the destination id. Returns void |
associateContent | Associates content. Parameters contentId a string representing the content id, templateId a string representing the template id, assocType a string representing the association type, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns void |
unassociateContent | Unassociates content. Parameters contentId a string representing the content id, templateId a string representing the template id, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns void |
associateContentType | Associates content type. Parameters contentTypeId a string representing the content type id, templateId a string representing the template id, assocTypea string representing the association type, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns void |
unassociateContentType | Unassociates content type. Parameters contentTypeId a string representing the content type id, templateId a string representing the template id, formatId a string representing the format id. Returns void |