Aikau Dashlets - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The Share web application has a special page called Dashboard, which contains windows of content called dashlets. Currently most of these dashlets are Spring Surf dashlets, but they will eventually be converted to Aikau dashlets.

Architecture Information: Software Architecture

The preferred new way of adding custom Share dashlets is via the new Aikau UI development framework. An Aikau dashlet is defined via a Surf web script in the same way you define an Aikau page. The controller with the JSON model contains one widget referencing a dashlet widget, which in turn can use any other number of Aikau widgets to build up the dashlet content.

Let’s say we wanted to implement a simple Hello World dashlet in Aikau that looks like this:

The Hello World window with the Alfresco logo and the Hello Dashlet message

This dashlet contains the following Aikau Dashlets: the dashlet itself, two toolbar widgets, a vertical layout widget, a logo widget, and a Hello widget. To implement it start with the Web Scripts.

The web script controller is where we specify what Aikau Widget that is implementing the dashlet, it is called acmedashlet/HelloDashlet in this case. The controller will look something like this for the above Hello World dashlet:

model.jsonModel = {
    rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
    /* Include Aikau services here, for example :
    services: [
        { name: "alfresco/services/ReportService" },
        { name: "alfresco/services/NavigationService" }
    widgets: [
            id: "HELLO_DASHLET",
            name: "acmedashlets/HelloDashlet"

Note that we can include service widgets here too if they are needed, in our case we are just showing a Hello World message so we don’t need any services. The dashlet class HelloDashlet.js lives in a JavaScript package called acmedashlets. So for the AMD loader to actually find this class we need to configure a Surf extension module with this information as follows:

            <id>add-aikau-dashlet-share - ACME Dashlet and Widgets</id>
                <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="WebFramework" replace="false">
                                <package name="acmedashlets" location="js/tutorials/dashlets"/>
                                <package name="acmewidgets" location="js/tutorials/dashlets/widgets"/>

Here we have also configured another package called acmewidgets for any other Aikau widgets that we will use as content in our dashlet. These packages points to physical locations in our produced artifact. So we need to put these widgets at specific paths in our AMP project. For example, the dashlet JavaScript file called HelloDashlet.js need to be located in the share-jar/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/share-jar/js/tutorials/dashlets directory.

The Surf web script template will be very simple and the only thing it does is this process the JSON model defined in the controller:

    <@processJsonModel group="share-dashlets" rootModule="alfresco/core/Page"/>

<@markup id="html">
    <div id="${args.htmlid?html}"></div>

To complete the Surf web script a descriptor is also needed:

    <shortname>Hello Dashlet</shortname>
    <description>A dashlet that displays an Alfresco logo and a Hello message</description>

The web script family property has been set to dashlet, which means that this dashlet can be added to both user dashboards and site dashboards. Now we need to implement the actual Dashlet Widget code, it consists of a JavaScript file and i18n resource file. The dashlet JavaScript file, called HelloDashlet.js in this case, should extends the out-of-the-box alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet widget. Here is an example of how it might look like:

    function(declare, AlfCore, I18nUtils, Dashlet) {

        return declare([Dashlet], {
            additionalCssClasses: "mediumpad",
            bodyHeight: 200,
            componentId: "component.hello-dashlet",
            i18nScope: "tutorials.dashlets.HelloDashlet",
            i18nRequirements: [{i18nFile: "./i18n/"}],

            widgetsForTitleBarActions: [
                    id: "HELLO_DASHLET_ACTIONS",
                    name: "alfresco/html/Label",
                    config: {
                        label: "Title-bar actions"

            widgetsForToolbar: [
                    id: "HELLO_DASHLET_TOOLBAR",
                    name: "alfresco/html/Label",
                    config: {
                        label: "Toolbar"

            widgetsForToolbar2: [
                    id: "HELLO_DASHLET_TOOLBAR2",
                    name: "alfresco/html/Label",
                    config: {
                        label: "Toolbar2"

            widgetsForBody: [
                    id: "HELLO_DASHLET_VERTICAL_LAYOUT",
                    name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",
                    config: {
                        widgetWidth: 50,
                        widgets: [
                                id: "HELLO_DASHLET_ALFRESCO_LOGO_WIDGET",
                                name: "alfresco/logo/Logo",
                                config: {
                                    logoClasses: "alfresco-logo-only"
                                id: "HELLO_DASHLET_HELLO_WIDGET",
                                name: "acmewidgets/HelloDashletWidget"


There are a number of properties here that are defined in the base dashlet class alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet, they can be used for the following:

  • additionalCssClasses - Add padding to the body: smallpad (4px padding), mediumpad (10px padding - recommended) and largepad (16px padding).
  • bodyHeight - Explicit height in pixels of the dashlet body.
  • componentId - Identifier that will be used to store properties for this dashlet, such as the dashlet height when using the resizer.
  • i18nScope - The i18n scope to use for this dashlet.
  • i18nRequirements - An array of the i18n resource files to use with this dashlet.
  • widgetsForTitleBarActions - The widgets to be acting as title bar actions.
  • widgetsForToolbar - The widgets to be placed in the top toolbar.
  • widgetsForToolbar2 - The widgets to be placed in the second toolbar.
  • widgetsForBody - The widgets to be placed in the body of the dashlet.

As we can see, implementing a dashlet is just a question of mixing and matching different Aikau widgets. In this case we have used almost exclusively out-of-the-box widgets (i.e. alfresco/html/Label, alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets, and alfresco/logo/Logo), but there is one custom widget called acmewidgets/HelloDashletWidget. To implement this widget we need to create a JavaScript file called HelloDashletWidget.js and put it in the /js/tutorials/dashlets/widgets directory. The source code for the widget looks like this:

function(declare, _Widget, Core, _Templated, template) {
    return declare([_Widget, Core, _Templated], {
        templateString: template,
        i18nRequirements: [ {i18nFile: "./i18n/"} ],
        cssRequirements: [{cssFile:"./css/HelloDashletWidget.css"}],

        buildRendering: functionorg_tutorials_dashlets_HelloDashletWidget__buildRendering() {
            this.greeting = this.message('hello-label');



This widget is based on an HTML template defined in a file called HelloDashletWidget.html, this file should be placed in the /templates sub-directory:


The dashlet widget uses a property called hello-label that needs to be available in a resource file called, which should be located in the /i18n sub-directory:

hello-label=Hello Dashlet!

Finally the widget template uses a CSS style called hello-dashlet-widget that needs to be available in a resource file called HelloDashletWidget.css, located in the /css sub-directory:

.hello-dashlet-widget {
    border: 4px #000000 solid;
    padding: 1em;
    width: 100px;

This widget will be loaded by the Dojo AMD loader as we defined the package for it in the beginning of this description.