Configuring Aspects - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

Aspects can be configured in the file ./tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-documentlibrary-config.xml.

Aspects can be added to any document in the repository. Examples of aspects include taggable, exif, and versionable. There are many others. Each aspect can be configured as visible, hidden, addable, and removable.

  1. Load the file share-documentlibrary-config.xml into your favorite editor.
  2. Search for the text “aspects”. You will find the following configuration:
         Used by the "Manage Aspects" action and Rules pages
         For custom aspects, remember to also add the relevant i18n string(s)
            aspect.cm_myaspect=My Aspect
            Aspects that a user can see in UI.
            Used by Rules, aspects are the listed aspects for rule's "has-aspect" action condition.
            <aspect name="cm:generalclassifiable" />
            <aspect name="cm:complianceable" />
            <aspect name="cm:dublincore" />
            <aspect name="cm:effectivity" />
            <aspect name="cm:summarizable" />
            <aspect name="cm:versionable" />
            <aspect name="cm:templatable" />
            <aspect name="cm:emailed" />
            <aspect name="emailserver:aliasable" />
            <aspect name="cm:taggable" />
            <aspect name="app:inlineeditable" />
            <aspect name="cm:geographic" />
            <aspect name="exif:exif" />
            <aspect name="audio:audio" />
            <aspect name="cm:indexControl" />
            <aspect name="dp:restrictable" />
            Aspects that a user can add in UI.
            Used by Rules, aspects are the listed aspects for rule's "add-features" action.
            Same as "visible" if left empty.
            Aspects that a user can remove in UI.
            Used by Rules, aspects are the listed aspects for rule's "remove-features" action.
            Same as "visible" if left empty
  3. Modify the configuration of aspects as required.

    You have seen how to configure aspects via the document library configuration file. You can also add similar configurations to share-config-custom.xml.