Template Markup - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

There are a number of additional FreeMarker template directives.

In the widget instantiation customization tutorial (see Customizing a Surf JavaScript Widget) the documentlist.get.html.ftl and documentlist.get.js files were modified to instantiate a custom JavaScript widget that extends the default Alfresco.DocumentList. This is a fragment from the webview.get.html.ftl file:

   <@inlineScript group="dashlets">var editDashletEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("onDashletConfigure"); </@> 
   <@createWidgets group="dashlets"/> 
   <@inlineScript group="dashlets"> editDashletEvent.subscribe(webView.onConfigWebViewClick, webView, true); </@> 

Note that another new FreeMarker directive is being used: <@inlineScript> - this directive is used to demarcate sections of JavaScript to be included on the rendered HTML page but allows the specified script to be moved around the page or into aggregated generated resource files.