The following code is from documentlist.get.html.ftl and illustrates how the 4.2 markup is used. All of the web script rendered components will adopt this template to introduce greater consistency.
<#include "include/documentlist.lib.ftl" /> <#include "../form/"> <@markup id="css"> <#-- CSS Dependencies --> <@link rel="stylesheet" href="${url.context}/res/components/documentlibrary/documentlist.css" group="documentlibrary"/> </@> <@markup id="js"> <#-- JavaScript Dependencies --> <@script type="text/javascript" src="${url.context}/res/components/documentlibrary/documentlist.js" group="documentlibrary"/> </@> <@markup id="widgets"> <@createWidgets group="documentlibrary"/> </@> <@uniqueIdDiv> <@markup id="html"> <@documentlistTemplate/> </@> </@>
The template is divided into six separate <@markup> directives:
- css declares the CSS files required for the web script
- js declares the JavaScript files required for the web script
- widgets is used for instantiating all the client-side JavaScript widgets
- html defines the HTML fragment that acts as the placeholder for the widget to anchor to.
By introducing a greater number of <@markup>directives into the template we make it easier to make finer-grained changes to the template; for example, to remove, replace or add new dependencies or to modify the HTML fragment.