Directives - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

There are four directives being used in the templates that replace the <@script> macro that was used in previous versions of Share.

Surf is able to process dependencies added using the *.html.ftl files by virtue of the extensibility model. Whereas before it would process all of the *.head.ftl WebScript files to gather all the required CSS and JavaScript dependencies before generating the page output, the <@script> and <@link> directives add content into previously processed directives. This facility will ultimately allow us to disable this double-pass processing to improve page rendering performance (although at the moment it is still enabled for backwards compatibility).

The <@createWidgets> directive is used to generate all of the JavaScript required to instantiate the client-side widgets defined in the model setup by the web script’s controller (documentlist.get.js) which contains the following code:

<import resource="classpath:/alfresco/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/documentlibrary/include/documentlist.lib.js">



   var documentList = {
      id : "DocumentList",
      name : "Alfresco.DocumentList",
      options : {
         siteId : ( != null) ? : "",
         containerId : != null ? : "documentLibrary",
         rootNode : model.rootNode != null ? model.rootNode : "null",
         usePagination : args.pagination != null ? args.pagination : false,
         sortAscending : model.preferences.sortAscending != null ? model.preferences.sortAscending : true,
         sortField : model.preferences.sortField != null ? model.preferences.sortField : "cm:name",
         showFolders : model.preferences.showFolders != null ? model.preferences.showFolders : true,
         simpleView : model.preferences.simpleView != null ? model.preferences.simpleView : "null",
         viewRendererName : model.preferences.viewRendererName != null ? model.preferences.viewRendererName : "detailed",
         viewRendererNames : model.viewRendererNames != null ? model.viewRendererNames : ["simple", "detailed"],
         highlightFile : page.url.args["file"] != null ? page.url.args["file"] : "",
         replicationUrlMapping : model.replicationUrlMapping != null ? model.replicationUrlMapping : "{}",
         repositoryBrowsing : model.repositoryBrowsing != null,
         useTitle : model.useTitle != null ? model.useTitle : true,
         userIsSiteManager : model.userIsSiteManager != null ? model.userIsSiteManager : false

   if (model.repositoryUrl != null)
      documentList.options.repositoryUrl = model.repositoryUrl;
   model.widgets = [documentList];


The call to doclibCommon() defined in the documentlist.lib.js library file implements the basic controller setup and the remainder of the code defines the metadata object to instantiate the Alfresco.DocumentList widget.

To sum it up, widget instantiation metadata is set in the JavaScript controller and rendered using a custom directive into the FreeMarker template.