The Alfresco Application Development Framework, referred to as ADF, is built on top of the Angular JavaScript framework. You can think of ADF as a library of Alfresco web components that can be used to build a content management web application and/or a process management web application.
There are a number of web components that you can use to integrate your web application with Content Services (ACS). Here are some of these components:
- Folder Hierarchy Breadcrumbs - display a breadcrumb with clickable folder path
- Document List - list folders and files
- Search - search folders and files
- Tag - manage and list tags
- Upload - upload files via button or drag-and-drop
- Viewer - preview files in the browser
- Webscript - call a Web Script (i.e. a ReST call)
And for integrating with Alfresco Process Services (APS) you have the following components:
- Analytics - display graph reports such as process instance overview
- Diagram - show process definition diagram, if associated with running process instance then the activities are highlighted according to their state
- Process Apps - shows a list of process applications
- Process List - show a list of process instances
- Process Details - multiple components are available to show different details for a process
- Task List - show a list of task instances for a process instance(s)
- Task Details - multiple components are available to show different details for a task
There are also a number of generic components that are used with both ACS and APS:
- Breadcrumbs - indicates the current position within a navigation hierarchy
- Toolbar - an extension to the Angular Material toolbar with a title and color
- Accordion - creates a collapsible accordion menu
- Card View - displays properties in a nice layout
- Data Table - generic data table implementation that is used by, for example, Document List
- Drag-and-Drop - Drag and drop files into for example a folder
- Form - display properties from nodes, tasks, and other sources in a form defined in JSON
- Login - authenticates with both services
- User Info - display information about a user
For a complete list of all components with documentation see the ADF Component Catalogue .