Information Provided - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

The following table provides a breakdown of the information that SurfBug provides:

Info Description
Page ID The ID of the Page being displayed
Template ID The ID of the Template being displayed
Template Type Typically this is the path of the FreeMarker template used to render the Surf Template referenced by the Page.
Component ID The ID of the Component that the Sub-Component belongs to.
Component Definition Location The runtime path of the file containing the configuration for the Component
Component Details
GUID Generated unique id of the component
Region-id The id of the region the template into which the component has been bound
Source-id The id of the object at which the component is defined (this will typically be a Page id, a Template id or will be “global”)
Scope The scope at which the Component has been defined (this will typically be “global”, “page” or “template”).
URL URL of the component
Custom Properties Any custom properties that have been configured for the component. These are not used by Surf to perform any rendering, but may be used by the Component itself if it is parameterized in any way (this may be the case for Components backed by JSPs, WebScripts or FreeMarker).
Height Height of the component in pixels
Sub-Component Details
ID The id of the Sub-Component – this is always prefixed by the parent Component id and a “#” indicates the start of Sub-Component’s identification
Contributing Paths The runtime paths of all the files that have provided input into this Sub-Component (a Sub-Components property, index and evaluation configuration can all be updated by zero or more extension modules). If no extensions have been applied then this will only contain a single path.
Index The specifically set index of the Sub-Component within the Component. This is the final index after all extensions have been applied. If nothing is shown it means that the default is being used.
Processor The processor that has been used to render the Sub-Component. If this Sub-Component has been generated from legacy configuration then this could be either WebScript, WebTemplate or JSP (or some custom processor) – but AdvancedComponents only currently support web script processors and if the Sub-Component is not legacy generated then this will be blank.
Evaluated URI The URI used to render the Sub-Component. This is the URI that is generated as a result of processing all Evaluations across all extensions – so is not necessarily the value configured in the source configuration file.
Evaluated By This is the id of the first successful Evaluation and therefore the one that returned the “Evaluated URI” field. If this is blank it means that no Evaluations were performed on the Sub-Component.
WebScript Location If the Sub-Component was rendered by a WebScript then this will show the runtime path of the WebScript descriptor file. The other WebScript files (template, controller, etc) will be co-located.
WebScript Details This provides a link to the WebScript information which will be opened in a new tab/window.
Evaluated Properties The properties for the Sub-Component as returned by a successful Evaluation. Properties can be overridden by Evaluations to change how a Sub-Component is rendered.
Extensibility Directives A list of the extensibility directives that have been applied to the Sub-Component.