The public Alfresco Docker images are available in the Docker Hub registry. There are also private Enterprise-only images in the registry. Access to these can be requested from Hyland Community
Go to Docker Hub to see a list of images belonging to the alfresco user or, alternatively, search for alfresco from the Docker Hub home page. Note that most images for the Enterprise version lives in the repository.
The following Docker images relate to Content Services:
- - the repository app (i.e. alfresco.war) running on Apache Tomcat
- - the Share web interface (i.e. share.war) running on Apache Tomcat
- - centralized/shared file storage, used by the content repository and transform service
- - the Solr 6 based search service running on Jetty
- - synchronizes files between the desktop and repository using web services
- alfresco/alfresco-activemq - the Alfresco ActiveMQ image
- alfresco/alfresco-acs-nginx - web proxy
There are also supporting features available, such as Docker images for image and document transformation:
- alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio
Content Services provides a number of content transforms, but also allows custom transforms to be added. It’s possible to create custom transforms that run in separate processes from the repository, known as Transform Engines (i.e. T-Engines). The same engines may be used in the Community and Enterprise Editions of Content Services. They may be directly connected to the repository as Local Transforms. Note that in the Enterprise Edition, the default option is to use them as part of Alfresco Transform Service, which provides more balanced throughput and scalability improvements.
See the Transform Service documentation for more info.
From Content Services 6.2.1, you can replace the five separate T-Engines with a single all-in-one Transform Core Engine that performs all the core transforms (i.e. alfresco/alfresco-transform-core-aio). Note that the all-in-one core T-Engine is the default option for the Docker Compose deployment, however Helm deployments continue to use the five separate T-Engines in order to provide balanced throughput and scalability improvements.
To build the image, Alfresco uses the Alfresco/acs-packaging GitHub project. This project doesn’t include any deployment templates. The Alfresco/acs-deployment GitHub project contains deployment templates and instructions. It includes a Docker Compose script that’s used to launch a demo, test, or PoC of Content Services. You can customize this script, if you like, in order to run with different versions than those set by default (which are usually the latest versions).