Deploy (AWS Services) - Alfresco Content Services - 23.4 - 23.4 - Ready - Alfresco - external

Alfresco Content Services

Alfresco Content Services

In order to use the S3 Connector and external database options, the S3 Connector AMP and database drivers are required, respectively. Fortunately, a Docker image has been pre-packaged with the artifacts and can be used as-is for our deployment. To use the image, you can override the repository.image.repository property.

To use the S3 Connector, RDS, and Amazon MQ, we have to disable the internal default components via the Helm set command. You also need to provide the service endpoints and credentials we made a note of in the previous sections.

When we bring all this together, you can deploy Content Services using the command below (replace all the YOUR-XZY properties with the values gathered during the setup of the services):

helm install acs alfresco/alfresco-content-services \
--set externalPort="443" \
--set externalProtocol="https" \
--set externalHost="acs.YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME" \
--set persistence.enabled=true \
--set persistence.storageClass.enabled=true \
--set"nfs-client" \
--set global.alfrescoRegistryPullSecrets=quay-registry-secret \
--set repository.image.repository="" \
--set s3connector.enabled=true \
--set s3connector.config.bucketName="YOUR-BUCKET-NAME" \
--set s3connector.config.bucketLocation="YOUR-AWS-REGION" \
--set postgresql.enabled=false \
--set database.external=true \
--set database.driver="org.postgresql.Driver" \
--set database.url="jdbc:postgresql://YOUR-DATABASE-ENDPOINT:5432/" \
--set database.user="alfresco" \
--set database.password="YOUR-DATABASE-PASSWORD" \
--set activemq.enabled=false \
--set messageBroker.url="YOUR-MQ-ENDPOINT" \
--set messageBroker.user="alfresco" \
--set messageBroker.password="YOUR-MQ-PASSWORD" \
--atomic \
--timeout 10m0s \
Note: Alternatively, you can use Aurora MySQL instead of PostgreSQL. In the create database wizard:
  • Select the Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility option and version 5.7.12
  • Change the database.driver value to org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
  • Change the database.url to jdbc:mariadb:aurora//YOUR-DATABASE-ENDPOINT:3306/alfresco?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8