Follow the Helm deployment with AWS EKS guide up to the Choose Content Services version section. Return to this page once the Docker registry secret is installed.
Deploy the latest version of Content Services (Enterprise) by running the command below. You’ll need to replace YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME with the hosted zone you created previously, and replace YOUR-BASIC-AUTH and YOUR-IPS with the encoded basic authentication string and list of whitelisted IP addresses you prepared in the previous section.
helm install acs alfresco/alfresco-content-services \ --set externalPort="443" \ --set externalProtocol="https" \ --set externalHost="acs.YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME" \ --set persistence.enabled=true \ --set persistence.storageClass.enabled=true \ --set"nfs-client" \ --set global.alfrescoRegistryPullSecrets=quay-registry-secret \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.enabled=true \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.basicAuth="YOUR-BASIC-AUTH" \ --set alfresco-search.ingress.whitelist_ips="YOUR_IPS" \ --atomic \ --timeout 10m0s \ --namespace=alfresco